Number of Billionaires in 20 countries according to Hurun and the billionaires per trillion dollars in GDP of 2023 according to World Bank

Number of Billionaires in 20 countries according to Hurun and the billionaires per trillion dollars in GDP of 2023 according to World Bank

Posted by uniyk

  1. Our country, Japan, is a capitalist country but actually very close to being socialist, with few people at both the bottom and the top.

  2. *In nominal USD.

    I only point that out because you’ll definitely get a difference when adjusting for exchange rates.

  3. Interesting how low the US ranks per trillion $ GDP compared to the total number of billionaires. May speak to income inequality? Someone good with statistics please confirm.

  4. The second graph is very informative. It demonstrates that actually, if you measure inequality as number of billionaires per unit GDP, the most inequal countries are Switzerland, Singapore, India and Thailand. The USA is even less unequal than Italy and the UK.

  5. China is only Communist in how they rule. They’re Capitalist in every other way. No nation can afford to not be Capitalist on some level as you need an economy to provide a living for people and to pay for government resources via taxation.

  6. China is touting “common prosperity” but billionaire index is a lot like the US.

  7. The funniest misconception a lot of Americans hold is the need for wealthy people to offshore their wealth. They all just have a particular Delaware address.

  8. What differentiates Russian oligarchs from other billionaires, like why do we use a different word for them?

  9. Wtf is Israel doing in the European section? Do people really don’t know basic geography?

  10. This is a prime example of USA-Defaultism. Billionaire in what? Popsicles? (Currency should be added in the actual graph and not the title of the reddit post alone)

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