If i had an image to sum up this ceremony.

If i had an image to sum up this ceremony.

Posted by ellaemu

  1. This isn’t art, its degeneracy and looks fucking satanic to me. I am not even religious.

  2. I actually thought the cauldron would somehow be atop the Eiffel Tower. But that was still cool.

  3. I feel bad for the athletes for being on their feet in soaking wet clothing for 5 hours, outdoors. I’m sure there will be more than a few cases of the sniffles tomorrow.

  4. This was absolutely amazing, I think the rain added something special to it, splendid job ♡

  5. I’m willing to be nice to the French again SOLELY for that awesome Gojira performance, metal horse, and Phantom of the Creed dude. It was great.

  6. Ohh bloody hell I just realised, the right wing media are going to lose the plot aren’t they 😂

  7. Leave it to France to make the opening ceremonies as boring as watching paint dry. Turned it off after a few minutes.

  8. Very French, magnifique. The little guy with his sad accordion on the bridge set the tone for the entire ceremony.

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