Trump Says There Will Be a ‘Third World War’ If He Loses

Trump Says There Will Be a ‘Third World War’ If He Loses

Trump Says There Will Be a ‘Third World War’ If He Loses

Posted by inewser

  1. *when* he loses…. I think he means.

    And there will be no war. Just dancing in the streets, fireworks, and relief.

  2. Keep up that rhetoric you mentally ill piece of s&it!, F around and see what happens

  3. In 2020 he said the stock market would crash if he lost. My 401k is killing it right now.

  4. Treasonous trump withdrew from the Iran agreement and Iran immediately started enriching uranium to make nuclear weapons. He runs his piehole saying he’ll end the war in Gaza how by bombing Gaza into oblivion? then building a resort there. He would stop all aid to Ukraine and most likely send aid to Russia (don’t forget the SC said as long as it an official act he can do whatever he wants). WW3 if this traitor gets back in the White House again Russia will take Ukraine and go after other countries to conquer , his buttbuddy kim will also do whatever it wants because trump will not defend our allies and we won’t have any one to help America from foreign enemies or our own government

  5. He lies with reckless abandon and sues those who speak the truth. What a despicable sack of excrement.

  6. If he wins he will devastate the nation with Project 2025. But if he loses there will be lots of celebration. There would be celebration already if

    A) the Supreme Court didn’t vote on immunity

    B) did much more than just have him pay his legal fees

    C) Being a pedophile is all the more reason for an arrest

  7. There will be an attempt for one anyway. Voting in Trump just means we’d be on the losing side with Russia and North Korea.

  8. Wait, didn’t he say we’d have a CIVIL WAR, if he loses? Who in the USA will fight in WW3 if we are simultaneously fighting a civil war? AND more importantly, please someone ask him? On what geographical location does this WW get fought on? It CANNOT be here, I just planted my most beautiful garden this year!!!🤪

  9. Old man seeks importance far beyond him.  Hes a broken man screaming for the attention and adulation he craves so deeply but  knows he doesn’t deserve.

  10. That would mean he needs to have more allies than… *checks notes* …Putin and Kim Jung Un. This man is an absolute clown to any world leader who doesn’t want to use him as their pawn.

  11. Even if that were true, which it is absolutely is not,

    I’d be willing to die in nuclear fire just to watch that fat weak orange fuck lose.

  12. Yea it’ll be Meal Team Six and Gravy Seals against US military helicopter gunships. Instant MAGA pink mist! 🤣

  13. Trump *is* Russia.

    Remember that and VOTE like your life depends on it because, quite frankly, it does!

  14. He’s just trying to stay out of prison. When Harris defeats him by a landslide, he’ll flee the country to avoid jail.

  15. Does anyone remember when he promised the economy would crash if he lost?

  16. With what army of yours, trump? You really think your dipshit followers are going to pose a threat to the US military? Fuck off.

  17. Senile old rapey convict is so far up himself that he actually thinks the sun shines out of his arse. It is so boring now. It’s just pure shit coming out of his mouth. Fucking loser.

  18. I just watched the Olympics opening ceremony earlier and I was moved by 206 countries that had come there in peace in the spirit of good sportsmanship. Someone sang Imagine by John Lennon. Counter that with this lunatic who wants to take over our country and the world
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