Russia’s Central Bank hikes interest rate to 18% as inflation soars

Russia’s Central Bank hikes interest rate to 18% as inflation soars

by doughtnut2022

  1. As predicted, central bank raise by 2% Russia main interest rate, to a staggering [18%](, which is just 2% shy of the 20% “panic” value the central bank put in place just after the start of the invasion. This should bring some reality check to anyone thinking Russia is just fine, best GDP in the world for 2024 !

    At this stage, interest rate and inflation will likely continue to rise, and the economy might get out of control rapidly (like Turkey or Argentine, the only two worst economy in the G20).

    If only US and Europe could make a common public statement, committing full support to Ukraine for 2 years, this announcement alone could kill what’s left of Russia economy in an heart beat, causing political instability and an eventual change of government.

  2. Wait I thought Russia had nunber one economy? Big GDP growth? Things were great?

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