NSFW: Ukrainian UAV Battalion “Bulava” of the 72nd Mechanized Brigade strikes Russian soldiers with dropped grenades and films the brutal afthermath

Published on July 26, 2024

by GermanDronePilot

  1. It is a natural response to feel sympathy for the person zoomed in on in agony from the grenades. Not hearing their scream of pain but seeing it on their face, the haunting cries of a soldier whose body has just been wrecked.

    But then one only has to remember that this man most likely volunteered to go to war because of the paycheck. He chose to sign up to destroy Ukrainian homes, to kill Ukrainians because the money was too good to pass up. No patriotism, no belief in protecting the motherland; just greed because his country is so sh*te he can’t earn better than being a contract soldier in an illegal war.

  2. at first you feel pity, but then you quickly realise that the man has invaded a foreign country to kill people there, so more of these shots please.

  3. You know it was a precise drop when target suddenly is without pants, from the blast…

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