Czechia has slowly but surely been getting rid of its communist-era decay. Have a look at some of my favorite transformations! These always cheer me up. (part 10)

Czechia has slowly but surely been getting rid of its communist-era decay. Have a look at some of my favorite transformations! These always cheer me up. (part 10)

by GPwat

  1. They can transform their buildings but it won’t help the effect communism has on Czech society

  2. Has the building (a church I guess) on the first picture been restored according to original existing plans, or is it just a pure modern invention?

  3. Yeah, I went to Prague recently and I could tell that the communist blocks of flats (not in central Prague) were still there, but they looked nice because they repainted them. Bucharest (my city) should take notes.

  4. Ah, we can only imagine such transformation in Bulgaria. But yes, the most important thing is to change the mindset of the people, but everything is linked in my opinion. 

  5. Beautiful. Wish we could do this in the UK and just decimate all the awful 60s and 70s buildings that blight historical town centres. We have no excuse not to really.

  6. I feel like it would be better to compare the renovated buildings with how they looked in the 80s – 90s when communism actually fell, just to see how they actually looked during that era.

  7. How well is the previous state of the building documented before its restoration? Does the restoration preserve evidence of the dilapidated period?

    In many cases, the UK takes a different approach to historic buildings. It seeks to preserve the history of structure, which often means stabilising it as-is or undertaking minor work rather than trying to fully restore it to a past state. [Astley Castle](, for example, has been renovated as holiday accomodation but not returned to its medieval state.

    This isn’t always the approach, and in the Victorian era it was very common to ‘restore’ buildings by essentially rebuilding them, but it’s the dominant philosophy at the moment.

  8. Every time she sees this kind of post, my partner says Belgium could use the same kind of makeover. It’s true that I could think of buildings near here that look like most of these (old) pictures… which is a bit sad – I wonder what happened, we didn’t get a communist era by here. I find it amazing they can be renovated to such beauty.

    Well, she’s Dutch. Electricity cables being above ground already get her to say it looks like a third world country.

  9. Can you explain what you mean by “decay”? Were these empty buildings? Why were they abandoned? Did they renovate them or rebuild them ground up?

  10. It will be a great day when we remove all legacy of communism and Russian imperialism from Europe.

  11. My friend is from Prague, she fled during communist rule. We’ve been there a couple of times since shortly after the iron curtain was torn and it’s unbelievable how much lighter and brighter everything has become. Much more money driven too and family ties have become weaker but that’s the way the world turns I guess.

  12. I noticed the same when I visited Poland and Lithuania a few years ago. The transformations are astounding.

    In fact, I have a little story to that effect.

    My daughter went to study in Poland about 10 years ago. After the first semester she came home for Christmas (we live in Canada). One day, she went with my wife to a newly redesigned and refreshed cosmetics/drug store (Shoppers Drugmart). Upon entering the store she remarked:

    *look at that, Canada is catching up with Poland*

    I didn’t quiet understand why she would say that until I went for the trip a year or two later.

    When I was leaving Poland in late 1980’s, an average store looked like they were selling shelves, as there was little to nothing on those shelves. They were as gray as everything around them.

  13. The Czech Republic was originally Western Europe. If it hadn’t been occupied by the Soviet Union in 1945, it would have been more developed than Germany is today.

  14. Some western European countries could also use this. There’s ugly architecture everywhere. I really like what they did to some of those buildings.

  15. Went to Riga recently and saw a lot of the same transformations there. Beautiful sight

  16. If only the Croatian gov was willing to do this but no, they are too busy sniffing cocaine and stealing from their people whilst implementing dogshit policies.

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