Donald Trump whips the white Christian nationalist vote: Turn out for me in 2024 and “you won’t have to vote anymore”

Donald Trump whips the white Christian nationalist vote: Turn out for me in 2024 and “you won’t have to vote anymore”

Donald Trump whips the white Christian nationalist vote: Turn out for me in 2024 and “you won’t have to vote anymore”

Posted by HeHateMe337

  1. It also sounds like he says he’s not a Christian? How did this moron get so far in life? Why do Christians vote for him?

  2. He’s right in the sense that if he wins and tries to pull that crap it will be open season on anyone who voted for him. I promise.

  3. Hold the phone ……. “I know nothing about Project 2025” and have “no idea who is behind it”.

    There is no limit to this evil PoS deception of the American people & plans for fascism takeover

  4. Christian’s love pedophiles. Every single day there is a story that comes out of an employee or a pastor or a priest that has crossed the line with a child.
    I don’t see these Christians nearly as upset about those crimes as they are upset about their cult leader getting indicted for REAL crimes.. 🙊🙉🙈

    RIP you POS GFYS 🌹

  5. Vote blue straight down the ballot.

    Local elections, too.

    We gotta defeat the conservatives in a landslide.

  6. “Polling is turning against us. I know! Let’s tell people if they vote for us, they won’t have to vote anymore. That’ll convince them.”

  7. Vote Blue as if your way of life depends on it, because it does. Your vote has never been more important.

  8. To be fair to Cheetoh Benito, I don’t believe he was saying you won’t need to vote because he will have taken over, even he’s not that stupid.

    He was saying that he is going to be so potent and effective as the president that in 4 years America will be a Star Trek style utopia where it won’t matter who you vote for because he will have literally solved all of America’s problems.

    What you need to remember is that Trump is desperate to win, not because he wants to MAGA but to get out if his upcoming prison sentences and financial suites that will ruin him and see him put behind bars.

    That colours absolutely everything he says and does completely.

    Every issue he blames the democrats for is at 11 because of them, every remedy he will bring (having offered literally no policy aims) will completely solve the issue forever.

    And he says it because he is scared and desperate.
    Things have gotten a lot worse very quickly for him and he’s more scared and desperate then even before so expect to see a ramping up of the hyperbole, if that’s possible.

  9. so is this along the lines of the dictatorship thing or more like im not running again so i dont care if you vote or not after this?

  10. He’s done for.
    Just go back to Florida, please. Take your injured ear with you.

  11. “Turn out for Kamala in 2024 or you won’t get to vote anymore” same statement from a different point of view. You choose…

  12. The Real Story
    Trump campaign hired the kid to fire into the crowd but avoid hitting Trump to stage a fake assassination attempt and then blame the Democrats, possibly to start a civil war
    They knew the kid wouldn’t survive to tell the story

  13. You won’t get to vote is what he really meant. We will have our first woman president or our first dictator. Chose well America. Get out and vote young people!

  14. Christians, are you really going to support the rapist, lying thief who cheated on his different wives over the years and paid hookers for sex? Are you guys fucking stupid? Did he offer to grab you by your pussy?

  15. I hope they vote for them (proving how phony they are), he loses bigly, and they stop voting.

  16. Hell bent on taking all his cult followers to hell with him. Traitor trump talking treasonous. Dictator wanna be

  17. What a joke ,,how his telling everyone ill fix the elections so my family will stay in power..can you say dictatorship

  18. Reminds me of the story of Eroll Flyn the first superstar action actor imo. Anyway when he was near his peaking earning he decided it was annoying to keep having to sign documents for his accountant and lawyer. So he decided to give them both power of attorney. Well they ended up cleaning out his bank account for him.

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