Trump Promises ‘No More Voting’ After Election If He Wins In Authoritarian Declaration

Trump Promises ‘No More Voting’ After Election If He Wins In Authoritarian Declaration

Trump Promises ‘No More Voting’ After Election If He Wins In Authoritarian Declaration

Posted by inewser

  1. That’s not at all fair to Americans. Not that he‘s ever remotely played fair. He’d just piss many more people off. Again not that he’d care. God I wish the Supreme Court wasn’t corrupt and would put this guy in his “rightful place”.

  2. I’m sure the highly uneducated just to love that. They don’t even know what it means. 🤣😂😅🙌🏼

    💙🌊Harris 2024🌊💙💙🌊Harris 2024🌊💙💙🌊Harris 2024🌊💙💙🌊Harris 2024🌊💙💙🌊Harris 2024🌊💙💙🌊Harris 2024🌊💙💙🌊Harris 2024🌊💙💙🌊Harris 2024🌊💙💙🌊Harris 2024🌊💙

  3. He’s an old fuck, the sniper missed but McDonalds still has a chance to get him.

  4. He’ll be so successful at achieving his goals that his supporters won’t have to come out and vote anymore.

    There no non-authoritarian interpretation of this.

  5. But I thought he wanted a free and fair election that wasn’t corrupted! /s

  6. Ask him about it, and he will tell you, you are a liar. Ask him if it is true, and he will be offended by your question. Ask others what he said and they will explain it is a trumpism.

    If you believe any of that, you are a fool.

  7. The tyranny of a Dictatorship looms over America if the Republican party has its way

  8. And it’s not being covered AT ALL in any mainstream news network. The media is failing us all. 

  9. People have taken note and want him OUT

    A virtual meeting dubbed “White Dudes for Harris” plans to hold a call on Monday to drum up excitement for Vice President Kamala Harris’ election bid.

    “Over 10,000 white men from all across the country are expected to join the effort this week and will be on hand to welcome Vice President Harris to the presidential race and pledge to help get her elected,” organizers said on a sign-up form for the call.

    The call comes after 164,000 White women broke the world record for largest Zoom call on Thursday, all hopping on a meeting to show support for Vice President Harris’ presidential campaign. ($8.5 million raised)

    The Thursday online gathering was inspired by a previous Zoom call directed at Black women last Sunday that was organized by activist group “Win With Black Women” only hours after President Joe Biden announced his decision to withdraw from his re-election campaign, endorsing Harris.

    That event had around 44,000 attendees and raised more than $1.5 million for the Harris campaign

  10. I understand Trump is a moron. I understand a lot of MAGA (all) are also morons. But the billionaires and media that are ignoring Doe 174 and any other negative news stories, are they all morons too? Six justices in SCOTUS who gave Trump dictator powers if he wins, are they all total morons as well, who were able to get law degrees?

    The end of democracy means no more free speech or non-state run media. There won’t be any SCOTUS if Trump wins. It means at least half of the 331 American people with all their guns will revolt, literally destroying the economy for the entire world. Don’t the billionaires have people they pay, who realize that this timeline will potentially kill all of us if he wins again? I don’t understand how nobody else who has powerful connections seems to realize the end game here.

  11. Yep, he’s feeling the pressure from Kamala Harris too so he just letting it all hang out now. Obama is the best president in my lifetime and I don’t even want him to be a king of this country. People get out there and vote for Democrats across-the-board this November.

  12. My maga father told me that he could be a dictator and if we never had to vote again..that would be just fine with them!! They are so brainwashed into thinking that trump is going to save the economy and inflation that they want him to be president until he passes it to his sons..they claim that trump has a lot of smart people in his family and they say that is what they’s so gross and disturbing

  13. I mean … better his supporters stop voting either way so. maybe not so bad  

  14. If that is it an illegal coup, what is ? He should immediately be charged for treason and held in Guantánamo Bay.

  15. Just become one stutters in a slow and then one babbles makes absolutely no sense. Neither one is fit for office mentally.

  16. At this point he is just saying I will take over like Putin and Jon and other authoritarian countries. He isn’t even hiding it. Sad part is his GoP base is all in it. God help us.

    Vote blue and put this 💩head to bed for ever. Take out this plague for good.

  17. You people are so dramatic. That’s clearly not what he was saying. Even if you aren’t normally political, you’ll only have to vote for *me* one time and then it’s no more.

    You have to lie to try and beat Trump. It’s pathetic

  18. Can’t wait to hear how his campaign tries to spin this as he is not an idiot. Things not to say when you’re running an authoritarian/fascist campaign in a democracy. #1 You’ll never have(get) to vote again if you vote for me!

  19. He says “I’m uhh Christian”

    Some of you are hearing “not uh “ which is wrong. Especially taken in context with his whole speech.

    Also, when watching his whole speech, he’s appealing to people that never vote. He says if you vote this one time, we’ll get the country fixed, and you won’t ever have to vote again.

    But sure, sensationalism sells, right ?

  20. I’m GOP states, the election offices are already in MAGA hands. They plan to steal the election anyways.

  21. Hey. Let’s vote Trump into prison and start passing laws that make the first amendment reciprocal.

    If your non-profit church engages or engaged in politics, then it gets taxed.

    If you make us look into it, we’ll go into your past and charge back taxes when you start.

    Separation of church and state.

  22. So his ear perfectly recovered after being hit with a rifle bullet – no scab, scarring, scratches, bruising, etc. – and we’re supposed to believe that?

  23. That’s what happened the first time and he’s remained in power ever since.

  24. I have a friend that is a very good & kind person. He does not call himself a Christian but instead calls himself a follower of Jesus because the two things are not the same anymore.

  25. You guys are intentionally taking what he said out of context. Trump’s a piece of shit, but so are you for lying like this.

  26. To anyone who thinks this is bullshit, the Supreme Court had already helped him take that first step.

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