Trump — who is battered by civil judgments — will now no longer publicize his net worth

Trump — who is battered by civil judgments — will now no longer publicize his net worth

Posted by Quirkie

  1. He will always be John Doe#174

    💙🌊 Harris 2024 🌊💙💙🌊 Harris 2024 🌊💙💙🌊 Harris 2024 🌊💙💙🌊 Harris 2024 🌊💙💙🌊 Harris 2024 🌊💙💙🌊 Harris 2024 🌊💙

  2. **PSA Reminder**:

    This is a presidential candidate, of a major party, who is **required** to have a court-mandated legal/financial monitor to *ensure he isn’t committing* **fraud**.

    Please read that *as many times as needed* until your blood righteously boils.

  3. He’s started to flog bitcoin.

    Likely he is losing his shorts and needs to close the gap a bit

  4. This sob needs to stick his head in a river someplace and not come up for air, seriously I am physically and mentally wore plumb out, tired of this crap, Vote please vote down ballot blue, maybe just maybe we can get rid of this cancerous puss bag

  5. The court appointed financial monitor knows exactly how much Mr Fraud is worth

  6. Is he still being audited all these years later? I’m sorry DonOld. (My favorite is still BunkerBitch)

  7. Usually a good sign he expects to have issues with its numbers soon, so it will suck for him since in those cases they use last highest on tax statements

  8. Or his taxes, or his medical records…only lies and complete fabrications from his Dementiad tiny brain.

  9. Because he’s actually worth Jack Squat. He’s been juggling huge debt all his life.

  10. His wealth claims were always bullshit anyway, since shortly after he stole the inheritance from his own family.

    The value of that inheritance today, if he only earned a measly 3% over inflation and never made another dime would be around $7.5B.

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