Putin forced to fortify palace against increased Ukrainian drone threat I Ukraine: The Latest

Day 876.

Today, we bring you the latest news from Ukraine, hear about life in Kyiv through Ukraine’s record breaking heatwave and look at the latest diplomatic news from Europe and the US.


David Knowles (Journalist). @djknowles22 on X.

Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

Articles Referenced:

Boris Johnson urges Trump to stand by Ukraine (The Telegraph)


Putin is leading Russia into a demographic catastrophe (Francis Dearnley in The Telegraph)


Thread by Famian Hoffman of the University of Oslo:


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Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

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  1. I can't imagine what it is like in Ukraine right now, with the constant threat from Russia, the lack of power, and the suffocating heat. I am wondering how the Ukrainians can keep up their spirits and when they reach the breaking point. The unrest in the US and the prospect of no help from the US after the election has to be another pounding to the spirits. I am in deep awe of the Ukrainians and thankful to the team of Ukraine the Latest of keeping us aware.

  2. The Chinese have more ships than the United States but the Chinese Navy’s ships are mostly very small patrol boats. It is not a viable blue water navy and will not be for years if ever.

  3. Pusillanimous Putin "Fair is foul", so too the air. 'Look. the emperor walketh bare?!' As he struts down marbled halls, they gasp and shriek, 'he has no balls!'

  4. Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan which will be Declared a TF-WEZ _Tax Free World Economic Zone . Wherein the Trade of the Whole World would Prefer to pass Through.

    Potential Food Basket of the Western World
    With 4.5 Trillion Dollars GDP or more,
    Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan
    Economically Will Soon Match that of Japan

    Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan with its Mega Agro Based Economy that can become the Food Basket of the Western World Democracies
    KFFFA _Khalastan Free Food For All _Is pledged to provide Free Food For All the UN Food Programme Needs Worldwide for All times

    Abundant Water Resources,
    Hydro Electric Mega Production
    45 Millions Strong ,Industrious, Affable, Welcoming Sikhs and 50 Millions Happy Non Sikhs Human Resources
    Tourism Resources in
    Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Delhi
    Peace and Security maintained as Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan is a Powerful,Indomitable, Time Tested,Trustworthy Force.
    _Great Industrial Hub by Investment from 10 Million Affluent Sikh Diaspora Worldwide

    _Western World Democracies would like to Invest / Sell/Manufacture Goods too ,Safely and Profitably.
    _Real Estate will Boom as People are Extremely Land Loving
    50 percentage of Sikh Diaspora are Eagerly Keen to Shift to Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan, Bringing Investment, Know-how,Industry.
    Profitable Business, Trading with Pakistan, India, Neighbours ,And Export/Import throughout the World

    45 Millions Strong, Indomitable, Trustworthy Sikhs and 50 Millions Happy Non Sikhs of
    Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan Can make Friendly Buffer Zone between 3 Virulent , Nuclear, Arch Rivals , Communist China, India and Pakistan
    Western World Democracies USA, Europe, Canada, Australia ,NATO will have the Only Militarily, Economically, Politically Strong, Stable,, Indomitable, Trustworthy Ally in South Asia.

    Cowards Always takes the Path of Least Resistance.
    So Ultimately India will go with BRICS at opportune time and it suits It's Economy.
    It'll never Stand Up To China.
    So Who Needs Untrustworthy Slime,
    Yellow Chicken India Beggarocracy Anyways.

    Independent Sovereign Nation Khalastan in South Asia,of 45 Millions Strong, Indomitable, Trustworthy, Affable Sikhs and 50 Millions Happy Non Sikhs
    Will be the Fulcrum, Tilting The Balance of Power as to which will be the Dominant Power Block in the World in the Coming Century.

  5. PreZelya, having sh*t himself in front of his friends and the people of Ukraine, along with his lackeys continues to hide the truth about himself.
    A complete collapse, blackout of Ukrainian territory was arranged for unwanted pensioner PrezeZelensky and "Kharkovoblenergo" (russia could not do this) disconnecting the electricity for several months in order to close his mouth and freedom of speech.And everything is covered by law enforcement officers and the DBI of Ukraine.
    ПреЗеля, обгадившись перед друзьями и народом Украины вместе со своими холуями, продолжает закрывать правду о себе.
    Полный коллапс, блекаут на украинской территории устроил неугодному пенсионеру ПрезеЗеленский и "Харьковоблэнерго" (раша этого не смогла сделать), отключив электричество на несколько месяцев с целью закрыть рот и свободу слова.И всё крышуется (покрывается) правоохранителями и ДБР Украины.

  6. 0.14 Looking at the heat wave . Looking at the heat wave . We must keep YouTube promoting Ukraine news by likes and comments. Supporting Ukraine is exhausting Russia. We must continue to support Ukraine or face a destabalising shadow war with Russia . Thanks for keeping Ukraine in the YouTube inbox . Media coverage matters to politicians especially the number of comments in the comments section. person-turqouise-wavingperson

  7. I too, am an active voter, and when the Republicans dithered for months about the last aid package, costing Ukraine thousands of soldiers and allowing the Russians to dig in even further, I decided to vote for the entire Democratic ticket this November. I haven't voted Democrat since 1980, when I voted for Jimmy Carter at the urging of my union leadership.

  8. Russia should of been stopped years ago when the UN voted ,not with a drip feed but with taps on full, closing the skies above Ukraine the moment the vote was done . This is just common sense ,have we learned anything from WW2 and Hitler ?

  9. Смердючi паршиві ублюдки сбушники на цьому каналі йдіть на фронт і воюйте за неньку бо легко сидіти за комп'ютером та гратися в героїв україни та пити каву з коньяком у зручних умовах…..підари та підараски бог дай вас всіх шляк наглий трафить курви нікчемні!!! Ви всі тут злодюги кляті тільки хочете війни бо поки війна йде захід буде давати гроші і ви злодюги будете красти і наживатися на смертях українців. Досить цією війни і смертей. Ганьба верховній раді і банді зеленського. Зелень закінчить як Ярош сказав На Хрещатику На Гіляціі!!!

  10. The US under Trump and Vance stopping support for Ukraine and NATO is not the worst case scenario. Even worse, the US may actively support Russia and China and help them take over Ukraine, Taiwan and other democracies. Many countries may need to do like Iran and North Korea and get their own nuclear weapons now.

  11. 0:38 Resistance and bravery prolongs the agony of combat! Especially when global hegemony could careless.

    “If we see that Germany is winning we should help Russia and if we see that Russia is winning we should help Germany and that way they kill as many as possible” Harry Truman

  12. 💩TIN didn't imagine just how bad things could get, they will welcome us with open arms lol, no they will send drones to your homes lol😂😂😂😂

    Poor poor pooooootin

  13. The U.S. is not turning its back on Europe, but it is time Europe stands on its own feet and not be dependent on the U.S. so much as in the past. The U.S. has extreme internal challenges as does Europe. It is narcissistic and selfish to expect the U.S. to be nothing but a milk cow for Europe and Ukraine with no further consideration. We are all in this together and we're all under strain. Let's not fight about it, but find solutions.

  14. Pulling air defense systems away from Russian airfields which Ukrainians have been pounding for months, to 'protect' one of his many palaces, is another 'genius' move by Putin. His paranoia is obviously more important than trying to slow down Russia's massive losses.

    Speaking of the UAE – it should not be forgotten that their government is also funding Putin's war, and profiting from it, by laundering money from Russian looting of African natural resources.

    Boris Johnson has become senile if he believes Trump has any desire to protect democracy anywhere. Trump tried to steal an election, violently overthrow Congress, and install himself as President. He also tried to extort Ukrainians into fabricating dirt on the Biden family. He's a wannabe dictator with strong fascist leanings.

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