US, China Threaten “Forceful Measures” Over Ukraine War | Russia Downs 21 Drones, Gains In Donetsk

US, China Threaten “Forceful Measures” Over Ukraine War | Russia Downs 21 Drones, Gains In Donetsk

Ukrainian drones hit a Russian military airfield in Dyagilevo, in Ryazan Oblast, just 160 km from the capital Moscow. The airbase is a training centre for Russia’s strategic bomber force and is the site of Tupolev Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3, and Tu-134UBL aircraft and an Ilyushin Il-78 tanker. Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR) said it struck an oil field in the Ryazan Oblast with kamikaze drones. Roughly two hours after the explosions in Dyagilevo, the HUR struck the Engels airbase in the Saratov Oblast which houses strategic bombers.

#russia #russiaukrainewar #ukraine #putin #usa

Video: AP/AFP/Reuters/Twitter

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  1. Only dictators and war criminals take Russia’s side. Every country with some decency and respect for human lives, including not allowing children being kidnapped, take the side of Ukraine. Borders, international law and sovereignty has to be respected.

  2. Ukraine is out of trained men, artillery, air power/defense, tanks, etc. Money/Weapons wont save Ukrainians, Russia has plenty of trained soldiers to grind remaining Ukraine force to dust. Its over for Zelensky, negotiations soon or unconditional surrender later….Sadly those are Ukrainians two options. If one supports Ukraine, supporting the continuation of an Unwinnable war is not the way. Why anyone trusted Biden admin after Afghanistan surrender, is a mystery to many.

  3. Peace with Russia could DISMENTAL NATO.
    * NATO CREATED In 1949 *
    * WARSAW PACT was
    CREATED MAY 1955 *
    in response to US+NATO.
    To waist Taxpayers money.
    It’s Time to Admit It.
    Coalition of NATO, Killed Civilians in Yugoslavia. NATO was & is killing in Libya and Syria, Somalia, was killing in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Now Wiping Out Whole Ukrainian Nation providing wapons to
    "Do Your Job" by Mercenaries.
    Some people may assume that a bunch of Anglo-Saxons trying to destroy western "democracy" and Russia Nation using Ukrainian people as "soldiers of choice" with "help" Fashizm created government for this reason after coup in Ukraine in 2014 and after.
    DESTRACTION of Europe may become Reality no Europeans are aware of, yet.

  4. Entire British American block with 32 nations are defeated by a single Russia.
    ❤ Russia from India.
    How fools are the British Americans!!!! They think it's a war with Iraq???? Bloody fools.

  5. vy americania ste este nezazili svetovu vojnu na svojom uzemi,len vyvolavate konflikty a este si dovolite komentovat ,co sa robi inde sudit niekoho ako agresora…nastavte si zrkadlo uz konecne,pozrite sa na seba,co mate doma za bordel

  6. Putin has advantage because of more soldiers, he is very evil and cunning. This war in Ukraine will end when Putin gets 20% of Ukraine. He wanted 40, that is, those areas that voted for Yanukovych, but the Ukrainians and he will find themselves in the middle. It is difficult for Ukraine to expel Putin's army from the entire country. For one thing, people die on both sides, but Putin has more people. Second, Ukraine is more of a party country, and eventually people will get tired of dying. Russia is a dictatorship, which is important for the conditions of war because of fear and unity. Nobody scare of Zelenski.

  7. Its very interesting AND most of all,revealing..kremlin calls Ukraines attack on russian military targets for "terrorist attacks" at the same time as they for almost 3 years now, with no hesitation,bombed Ukrainian schools,hospital, residential areas,water plants etc…who is the terrorist here?

  8. الأمم المتحدة (الأمم المتحدة)
    منظمة إجرامية محتملة:
    يريدون هذا العام إصدار قانون: رسوم إلزامية في حالة حدوث ارتفاع كارثي في درجة الحرارة. ولكن ليس هناك ما يمنع من عدم دفع ثمن الديزل وبيع سيارات الديزل.
    مما يدل على أنهم يريدون أن يكونوا دافئين ويجمعون الأموال لمساعدة المعاقين.
    ولذلك أدعو إلى رفع العقوبات التنظيمية أو عقوبات الأمم المتحدة بسبب التدهور المحلي للكوكب.

  9. 16. zákon chlazení YouTube
    1.1.2025 Všechny státy mají povinnost zrušit daňové odpočty z nafty, benzínu a aut se spalovacím motorem a dotace.
    Pokud ne, zaplatí: BRICS 10 % ropy pro větrné elektrárny, datlové plantáže a železniční dopravu
    Pokud nezaplatí, je organizace BRICS povinna zaútočit na obchodní lodě tohoto státu.
    Upravím to o dotacích atd.
    Karma Brics

    Láník Martin

  10. What exactly is Anthony Blinken talking about? The US and NATO have been supplying Ukraine with weapons and money, yet threatening China of supplying Russia with parts. 😂😂😂😂😂

  11. Organizace spojených národů (OSN)
    Pravděpodobně jde o zločineckou organizaci:
    Letos chtějí přijmout zákon: o povinných odvodech při katastrofálním oteplení. Ale žádný proti neplacení nafty a prodeji naftových aut.
    Což svědčí o tom, že chtějí být vřelí a vybírat peníze na pomoc postiženým.
    Vyzývám proto ke zrušení OSN nebo sankcí OSN za lokalizované zhoršení stavu planety.

  12. What Orban,the kremlin payed off puppet that is hungarian prime minister forgot to mention is that almost all countries,that more or less support russias,are dictatureships…that they are oppressiva anti democratic and primitive in their world views..Orban has no problem associating with them because he gets money from putin to do so.

  13. What Putin is doing not respond to America ISIS govt and UK ISIS government and European ISIS govt doing in Russian Putin wake up against them please why Putin

  14. " Orban claimed that Russia is supported by the largest countries in the world. " So according to CRUX, he is laying 🤔🤔🤔.

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