Trump caught ‘struggling’ in Saturday night speech as he tries to rant about Biden

Trump caught ‘struggling’ in Saturday night speech as he tries to rant about Biden

Posted by _Piss_Tape_Expert_

  1. He’s having a hard time attacking Kamala without mentioning her ethnicity or that she’s a woman so he might just continue ranting about Biden and hope some of the shit he’s flinging his her too

  2. Trump is just too old to be president, he is cognitively compromised.

  3. “He tried comparing her to margret thatcher.”

    for 1, americans know very little about the terrible shit she did, so shes generally had a positive image here

    for 2, does he really want Kamala to be known as the Iron Lady of America

  4. I think it’s pedophilia is catching up with him. Maybe he has guilt ⁉️. GFYS U POS

  5. Getting old sucks.. having dementia and mental issues in public is concerning.

    Is this the type of person you want in charge of a nuclear arsenal? Someone that is a deranged narcissist with anger issues?

  6. He’s an old man, cranky and tired. He needs his nap and probably a change of diapers. it’s very sad, very sad. Believe me.

  7. Trump was also talking about his “crowd size” and how the media wouldn’t move their camera off of him and the stage.

    FoxNews seems to be coordinating with Trump as if this is another season of the Apprentice.

    FoxNews was live streaming it — seemed like he coordinated this part of the speech with Fox because the cameras never moved (helping him try to prove his point).

  8. Did somebody tell the senile old man that Joe Biden isn’t running for President?

  9. Got to keep coming at him from all angles. He will Crack under pressure, his cognitive decline will become more evident. Most of all, Laugh at him. It drives him insane to be laughed at. Like most bullies, he’s a scared little man.

  10. He should have kept wearing the “my pillow “ ear bandage. He’s becoming even more delusional.

  11. Maybe it’s time for the oldest living presidential nominee in history to have a cognitive test and or a drug test because that’s what he insisted on with previous oldest presidential nominee in history.

  12. I’m sure any minute now the Trump Supreme Court will order Biden back into the race, and Orange Hitler can have the election he bought and paid for.

    He really is the worst human being I have ever seen. I can only compare him to Hitler in his hatefulness and irrationality. He’s also extremely dangerous.

  13. He went with “she’s a bum!” the other night, which seemed unhinged and dopey.

  14. He can’t attack Kamala because he has no way to attack her other than screaming racial slurs. He can’t run on his record because it’s shit all the way down. He can’t run on a platform because he doesn’t have one beyond “destroy America and make myself emperor of the Handmaidens Tale theme park we’re trying to replace everything with.”

    Attacking Biden is the only note he can play, which is especially sad since Biden already left the room.

  15. Too bad his base is struggling to have a reasonable response to Trump being an unhinged moron and convicted felon. 

  16. He has nothing.

    He wants to say something racist or sexist and can’t.

    I would put money on him saying something awful and it turning into a scandal.

  17. He should step down, but at this point I hope he doesn’t, and keeps getting humiliated until his eventual loss and incarceration.

  18. Magas get so angry when we talk shit about a guy they have no connection to. That’s so weird.

  19. I can’t stand this jerk. I think he’s just an idiot who thinks his shit doesn’t stink. I hope that She (Harris) kicks his ass in November.

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