RU propaganda covers newly converted Turtle Tank “Native” – Ukrainian Forces burn it down soon after

by bigorangemachine

  1. I love this. Very detailed report. UA doesn’t even need to do exploitation to figure out how it was all put together.

  2. Looks like it got away from the hits at the tree line and the top notch talent driving put it in a trench. Keep up the good work retards

  3. Now that example of “most modern assault tech” didn’t age well 😂😂😂

  4. Has there been any evidence of these being effective?

    It takes all situational awareness away from the commander and surely a sitting duck to opposing forces tank fire or being tracked/mobility killed in the engine.

  5. Specialist Wormfood here to give you a tour of RuZZian Shambling Mound.

  6. Outstanding situational awareness, excellent stealth and high morale booster with flag-coloured gun barrel …

  7. “This is an example of the most let’s say modern assault tank modifications that is used in direct combat.”

    That thing sure does scream “modern”. And he’s terribly bad at pretending not to read from cue cards.

  8. Do not knock these turtle tanks. Ukraine has said they are a very big problem. They are very hard to kill due the distance between the shell and the actual tank and they are filled with ECM equipment. Ukraine said one turtle tank was hit 24 times before they managed to knock a track off

  9. It looks like the turret is locked in the transport position. Not a surprise since they weld all sorts of shit to it. But it means the main gun is unusable, “smart” chain design or not.

  10. I love how confident he was during the video and how quickly the tank turned to scrap metal afterward

  11. At some point footage of this had to be present in a Kremlin meeting with Putin. Either some general tried to convince him this is a solution or Putin found out about it and demanded an explanation for this pathetic madness. Either way, it must have been incredibly weird and Putin cried himself to sleep that night.

  12. Russian “frontline craftsmen” are highly skilled turd polishers.

    PS The quick cut to utter disaster is hilarious. Needed some Benny Hill soundtrack though.

  13. The ultimate in tank defense systems is to leave the tank its home country.

  14. “tanks are constantly being modified in a special military operation” yes indeed

  15. All this effort instead of doing the one step that would improve your miserable life. Go back to Russia and figure out how to improve life there so you won’t need to take, take take from everyone else.

  16. The life cycle of the modern turtle tank is short and brutal. The unhospitable habitat it wanders into gaurantees its extinction. If only it would stay inside its original ecosystem, it would have a much longer life of fun and games where no one gets hurt.

  17. Imagine you’re a video journa… I mean propagandist and your job is to convince the viewers that this pile of garbage is actually a really modern and cool tank.
    At least paint the goddamn thing to olive green, so it looks like a weapon, and not a rolling scrap yard.

  18. All the ERA is missing from the UFP. That’s a massive reduction in protection. K5 is about the only thing on the UFP that will stop most APFSDS cutting through. (obviously there are ERA defeating APFSDS rounds)

  19. Wait, did they weld the top shield onto the base with the tracks? Basically, making the turret useless?

    That’s top tier sportsmanship, right there. Handicap yourself so the enemy has a chance!

  20. “Frontline craftsman”

    Craftsman implies talent. This looks cobbled together out of debris.

    Glad Ukraine could show them how effective their battlefield engineering is.

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