Venezuela votes in election that could end 25 years of socialist rule

Venezuela votes in election that could end 25 years of socialist rule

Posted by polymute

  1. The economy basically went to hell after Hugo Chavez died. We’ll most likely see the end ofbsocialism there.

  2. The most likely scenarios are either that he cheats the crap out of it and wins, or loses and throws a coup.

    However it must be noted that he has lost a lot of popularity. With the country getting worse and worse, even the rich are getting sick of him, even people sucking on the government’s teats start wondering if it wouldn’t be better without socialism. Its possible that the people in charge of rigging don’t rig as much, and that the military refuses to support a coup.

    Like i said, rigging and coup are the most likely scenarios, but anything could happen.

  3. In short: The US can’t stop meddling, and are trying the same thing again, that already failed with Guaidó.

  4. I so so hope that they do manage to throw out Maduro (and of course that he doesn’t rig the elections to “win” anyway, but he already only let in “international observers” friendly to his regime).

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