Nervous Trump Goes On Late-Night Bluster Quoting Fox News Pundit as Harris Pulls Ahead in Swing States

Nervous Trump Goes On Late-Night Bluster Quoting Fox News Pundit as Harris Pulls Ahead in Swing States

Nervous Trump Goes On Late-Night Bluster Quoting Fox News Pundit as Harris Pulls Ahead in Swing States

Posted by newsjam

  1. The convict should drop out of the race. Cannot stay awake in court or RNC. His dementia is accelerating. Oldest candidate to ever run. Mixes up names and dates or reality. No plans on how to improve the country. Only plan is project 2025. All the legal sexual predator has is hate,insults and lies. Guilty of fraud, cheating college kids, cheating charities. Leaking classified info, insurrectionist. Divorced 3 times, bankrupt often. Dump DOE, ruin National Parks, reduce social security, tax imports raising inflation rates Telling us to drink bleach, he will break any law he wants if elected as supreme Court gives him go ahead. Nuking hurricane πŸŒ€. Racist, misogyny serial liar, insults vets,pow, insults disabled. Enough of his buffoonery

  2. Be nervous GOP 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

    GO BLUE πŸ’™

    πŸŒŠπŸ’™ Harris 2024 πŸŒŠπŸ’™πŸŒŠπŸ’™ Harris 2024 πŸŒŠπŸ’™

  3. Please vote and keep bugging your sibling that is not interested to vote as well. A lot of people didn’t bother to vote in 2016 and that’s how he slimed his way in barely.

  4. Yep, when Trump get pressure on him, he just starts spazzing out even more. CF Vance is not making his life any easier neither

  5. Go to to be sure you are registered. Then VOTE. Send this site to all your friends and family.

    And if you want to help from the convenience of your own home, sign up with a group like this.

    You can send hopeful, encouraging postcards to folks to register and vote. ❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️. Have a postcard party. Laugh, have fun and make the world better.

  6. Here are the launch codes Mr. president. Lunch did you say lunch, get me a Big Mac.

  7. If you are a political pundit and you find Trump quoting you, you are awful at your job.

  8. This isn’t gonna be a blue wave. It’s a blue tsunami that’s coming, and Pedo boy can’t stop it. Vote blue, no matter who, then we can watch him get cuffed and stuffed. Then, he send his hooker immigrant wife home like he wants to do to all other immigrants. Dirty Donnie is just about done people. Keep up the pressure

  9. Advisor to Trump has to be one of the most pointless and frustrating jobs out there. You put together statements that have coherent ideas and complete sentences and watch it go out the window when he’s sending messages in the middle of the night while taking a dump. That and you’d probably get stiffed on whatever pay.

  10. Pedo boys going to jail pedo boys going to jail pedo boys going to jail!

    Go Trump! Make Prison maximum again! Lock the pedo away and throw away the key! Truuuuuuuuumps a pedo! πŸ’₯

  11. Anything is better than the old man that just yells and repeats himself. I would love them debating. Vote blue and save us

  12. I know a guy from New York who was sure that trump was connected to the mob.

  13. Anyone who believes the polls doesn’t know squat about politics. Unless they kill Trump or steal another election, he will be our next president. The clown show that the Democrat party has become makes even some Democrats nervous. I’m the only conservative in my family but every other family member has decided not to vote this year because they’re old school Democrats and can see through all the BS.

  14. All I know is that an orange jumpsuit will match his face. Like do the drapes match the carpet – prison edition.

  15. Soon he will have cemented his status as a loser’s loser, having lost the popular vote in 3 elections, and by healthy margins each time.

    Loser. Sucker. Fucking moron.

  16. All the raging in the world can’t help him now. And think about it–they tune in by the tens of people to hear him rant like they’re hearing something new.

  17. Levin is one of the dumbest fucks out there. If he ever got in a real debate and had to back up his bullshit his head would explode.

  18. Campaign strategy? Hah! β€œEveryone Has a Plan Until They Get Punched in the Mouth – Mike Tyson”.

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