Belgian triathlete Marten Van Riel criticizes last-minute decision to postpone men’s triathlon

Posted by Head-Chip-3322

  1. As a french person, I can tell that many of us are pissed off about that. This is not like if we have plenty of place where we could had organize it.
    This is politic, nothing else

  2. This was completely avoidable, by holding the triathlon outside of Paris. The talk of having a duathlon instead is even shittier.

  3. Completely agree that a holding a duatlon would be a disgrace. There’s still enough time to wait though, and there is a backup location.

    In the worst case scenario even wait until a couple days after the Olympics if that’s what it takes. But no duatlon, that’s completely unacceptable.

  4. He’s not wrong. Athletes carefully plan their training and taper to a specific race date. Changing it at the last minute for an issue that was completely predictable and avoidable is a disgrace.

    And then the backup plan is to have them race in the heat of the day. What an absolute clusterfuck.

  5. Yeah it’s not acceptable at all. As a french and parisian, I was always sceptical about this and I’m really sorry to see that athlete have to pay the price of this decision. We have a LOT of water plans that could host this event outside of Paris. The opening ceremony on the Seine was good enough to promote the city, this is just stupid.

  6. Aren’t the surf guys basicly 17.000 km away?

    Football is played in marsaille..

    Why can’t do the open water categories ..where there is clean open water?

  7. This scandal should be way bigger in the focus of the international broadcasting and media!

    It’s a shame that they even think about changing it to a duathlon like it doesn’t even matter if they skip a discipline or not!

    The Olympic committee and the responsible French officials should hold a press conference where they clearly admit their mistake and if they really believe that there is no problem they should be served water straight out of that sewer called Seine!

  8. Lots of (myseflf included) French have been saying since it was announced that this Triathlon will be a shitshow, Politics have said it, Athletes have said it, they listen to nobody. And now we are here, it’s really a disgrace honestly.

    We could’ve done it in the Loire were people swimm in it every summer, way much cleaner and you have all the “chateau de la Loire” that are gorgeous to had a scenery

  9. He’s absolutely right, it’s a total disgrace. There are so many places in France where they could do the triathlon but they had to do it in the Seine. Peak French chauvinism.

  10. They are marketing Paris, not France. So we have a 8 billion euro commercial where the athletes are just background characters.

  11. Does anyone have any insight into why the organisers are so adamant to have the swimming take place in the Seine? Obviously it would have been nice but to have stuck to this plan when it was clearly not happening seems like madness.

  12. Im sure there are a few triathletes for whom swimming is their strongest part. They’d get royally screwed.

    I mean the Olympics is 2 weeks long. I guess just keep testing that water.

    Surely though France has hosted major triathlons before. Is there no other place where they could quickly pop up a triathlon course?

  13. I’m going to go against the crowd here but I think the decision to hold the race in the Seine was the right one. It obliged us to do something bold: to clean the river. That is going to be a strong legacy of the games. And yes, it has been cleaned and is now swimmable except after big rains.

    There was a risk if there was heavy rain before the games, the risk was low (we’re in July…), they took the bet, I think they were right to do it. Unfortunately for now the bet is lost (as we had heavy rains that don’t happen often in July), it was low statistics, it happened, bad luck. Let see what happens in the upcoming days, all hope is not lost.

    Rio triathlon was held in water far dirtier than the current Seine. For me, they should just do it, it’s OK. I’ve swim the Paris triathlon in the Seine before it was cleaned (something like in 2012?), like thousands of people, and I wasn’t even ill, while the water quality was far worst than today. I think pro athletes can handle that and if they are a little bit ill after it, at least they will have their race.

    I think the biggest mistake indeed was not to hold the race despise the water quality, or not to have a backup site in Paris region (plenty of them).

  14. Imagine what would happen to open water swimming…….. those athletes actually came here for nothing if it gets cancelled

  15. As a french person I feel really shameful about this. I am so sorry to all triathletes and their supporters… I kinda still hope for a plan B?

  16. it just surprises me that with so many organizers that there was no plan b at least? i would’ve expected a plan a-d for soemthing of this importance and global attention

  17. Reminder that they spent 1 and a half billion of public money cleaning it for this shitshow

  18. He’s not wrong. The *idea* to have the swimming in the Seine was bold…but execution is everything. If you can’t guarantee it, you shouldn’t proceed.

  19. Let me guess, the E. coli issue? If so, I was worried about that. So what’s the final plan postpone or cut out the swimming part? The latter is beyond stupid.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t the Senie a concern even two years ago?

  20. I know a Triathlon athlete. He comes from a 6k ppl village next to me in Northern Quebec, and they were SO excited to see him. They put a huge screen in a local and they were going to gather and watch him at 2 am. I feel sad for them, I can’t imagine what the athletes are feeling. It’s truly a shame and it could have been avoidable by simply having them swim in an already proper and clean open water, it’s not like France has a shortage of open waters lol.

  21. 100% agreed with him. Seine is populated due to some raining last week, not by any surprised storm or flood. They all know that Seine is not reliable for this event months ago

  22. Why couldn’t they just have the open water swimming events in Nice, it would be incredibly easy for athletes to travel to and from.

  23. For information, I’m in Montparnasse right now, it’d freaking 34°c and I have shade, a good fan. I don’t think doing a triathlon in this weather would be a good idea for athlete

  24. So is this just arrogance by the organisers not to have a backup plan?

    Might as well not have the event if you miss out the swimming, I’m sure there are many athletes that are strongest with swimming meaning they get fucked over.

  25. He’s not wrong. Overnight as all of the athletes are prepping? That is a huge toll on their bodies to get prepped for the event.

    Feel sorry they went through all of that for another huge blunder in this Olympics.

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