Desperate Situation – Russia’s ‘Clever’ Tactic, Why RU Is Fighting Better – Ukraine Map/News Update

Desperate Situation – Russia’s ‘Clever’ Tactic, Why RU Is Fighting Better – Ukraine Map/News Update

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

Video I refer to

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. dude they did this in world war 2…its an old cossack cavalry strat goes all the way back to scythians…its hit and run and exploit weak points but on a grand scale…they techincally learned this from genghis khan…youre just witnessing the modern evolution of this grand central asian strategy…its very sun tzu

  2. as far as the ncos thats only the case if you have no air power superiority or artillery superiority…america would have both if they fought and the ncos would shine like they did in the middle east in the initial invasions…

  3. I would not go that far in calling Russian technology a cheep junk, they simply are using and produsing the most cost effective machines and equipment that works on the battlefield and is viable in current geopolitical and economical situation.
    There is a good joke about technology: "When US space agency was prepering to send their astronauts into space, they have discovered, that a regular pen will not work on the orbit in low to none gravity, so they have started a multy bilion research program to create a pen that would work in space, and they did it. Then they wondered how Soviets have resolved this problem and it turns out that they simply used pencils…"

  4. The west and nato is unable to win wars anymore, the complete breakdown of society, the destruction of masculinity, the intolerance to casualties, the control of the left wing media and the weakness of western leaders. When was the last time western forces achieved any success in conflict. This cancer has not affected non western societies, and they are now rising in power ie Russia China etc. The west does not have the will to face real warfare anymore , the restrictions and rules of engagement prevented western forces with absolute overwhelming force and technological advantage prevented the west from even defeating rebel forces in the war on terror. Weak men create hard times as we’ll all find out the in future in the west.The reliance on technology and negligence on the basic needs of warfare have shown how weak the west is, when the west cannot even provide the required and promised shell supplies to Ukraine when western nations are not actively involved in fighting shows western logistics are not up to the job. The western just in time logistics system fail’s completely in wartime conditions. The west has sacrificed sovereignty for profit at every level which is now unraveling badly.

  5. In what reality does the losing side dictate terms of surrender on the wining side 😂 sniflenski needs to lay of the Colombian marching powder😂 😂😂😂

  6. @8:30 you call the Russians "Soviets"…this is an embarrassing Freudian slip from you Willy…Soviet Union hasn't existed for for 33 years, I'm not even sure you're that old

    This is exposing your biases (irrational ones since you likely didn't even live through the period the Soviets were any kind of threat at all)

  7. Willy, utilizing the more experienced of your enlisted soldiers will fair better regardless of it being a “maneuver” or static war. If the Russians take high casualties every time, their experience and lessons are taken to the grave.

  8. Can anyone please consider, in light of the possibility of negotiations that…‘ The defiant heroic Ukrainians ( and supporters ) who have suffered so far for their country can ALWAYS hold their heads high. For they stopped a superpower from taking over their country. They stopped a further risk of war to all Europeans. But most of all….they can actually stop the full destruction of the world as we know it ! By conceding a ‘small’, not current front lines, but the portion of ‘small’ Russian speaking land, to people that just want to be Russian. History will always look back in admiration at the ancestral Ukrainian hero’s, who really did save the world !

  9. it realy does look like ukraines whole strategy is trump being elected… thats how they get out of it thats how nato gets out of it … they can all Blame trump and then hammer him on being an apeaser… can u imagine how this will go if kamala is elected? it will be Kamala the peacemaker kamala the Nobel peace prize winner despite the war .ending the same exact way. wasnt kamala a professional wrestler backnin the day?

  10. Willy is "surprised" by the lack of soldiers in the U units, and I find ridiculous and cheap the acting he puts on to avoid giving the real reason. Check the cemeteries, they are there, Willy. Or MIA aka vaporized..

  11. Time to remove your blinkers and lose your delusional hopes. Russia has won the war nothing now or later will change that fact. Russia will not give up Crimea Donbas Luhansk etc. None of the people living there want to be Ukrainian and already all took Russian passports. NATO/ aka USA delusions of grandeur are outwitted outmanned outgunned outmanouvred out the window. Make peace with the idea Ukraine can prevail in any way is a lost cause …. at the expense of too many lives lost and ruined…. all to enrich a handful of m i c shareholders

  12. It is impossible for russian losses to be more than Ukr Losses. The FABs are crushing the NATO proxy troops and yet Russia is losing with its local air superiority? No freaking way

  13. All the Western allies of Ukraine are facing or have faced elections where the support of Ukraine and the fear of Russia have been major electoral issues. Since none of the Western countries are in a state of war, which would give their governments the authority to dramatically ramp up weapons production, they have to supply Ukraine within the confines of their own political and legislative limitations, which are significant. This has been completely ignored, even by yourself, and this drastically changes what kinds of rhetorical points Western governments have to be able to sell to their people to be able to maintain their position vis a vis Ukraine.

    Russia and its allies are mostly dictatorships or unitary republics where there is almost no functional opposition and the head of state is vested with either absolute or near to absolute authority to direct national policy. Thus, elections do not matter in a practical sense to their national policies. Incidentally, that's also why the removal of the leader in these places will have no detrimental effect on them; on the contrary, it will strengthen the power of the incumbent government because they then can use the leader's death as proof of Western sabotage attempts and potentially bring to power people even less stable than those currently there.

    With respect to military prowess, NCOs are the backbone of every military, not just for the West. They are the functional pivot in the chain of command between the soldiers and the command staff and as their name implies they have the delegated authority to make command decisions without fear of being countermanded by senior officers as they are the ones on the ground, not back in the command bunker. This is definitely part of why Russia has been making so much territorial progress, even against positions that seemed impregnable. Thinking that Russia still operates by Soviet doctrine is just wrong, based on their continual improvements in their command and control systems. They don't want to lose men any more than Ukraine does but the consequences of their losses are not as acute largely because they are moving forwards.

    In terms of Western systems versus Russian/Soviet systems, the discussion of raw capability and individual impact (based on simulations from live testing) is somewhat moot when it comes to actual battlefield effect. There is no question that Western systems embody the joint technological ascendency of Western manufacturing, design and development over those of the Global South. But it matters little if you can only produce a handful of them versus the hundreds and thousands that the Global South can make and deploy. It doesn't mean that those systems are even substantially less capable than what the West makes either, but due to their much lower costs of production, unless the Western systems really are significantly more capable of which there is still an absence of evidence to support, they cannot overcome the sheer weight of numbers.

    Because the West has not implemented a blackout over Ukrainian air space and Ukraine has never had the ability to enforce such a blackout, Russia was always going to have a significant overmatch in the air which, despite never gaining superiority, has given them a dominance that effectively allows them to strike from anywhere. Western AD was doing the business for a while which ultimately forced the Russians to change their air policy hence the rise of the glide bomb but Russia also countered this by developing better strike capabilities using their artillery and missile systems to take out this AD as well as to force these systems, which are in such limited supply, to be deployed across the board instead of concentrated anywhere.

    Ukraine is having to use these systems for every possible battlefield function, as artillery, as AD and as cover for advancing and "repositioning" soldiers, which has exhausted their supplies of rockets. And, as mentioned in the first paragraph, because the West has already committed all the missiles that were expedient for it to supply without weakening its own minimums for its own forces, Ukraine is having to find alternative means to carry out these tasks with middling effect as drones and repurposed dumb weapons into "smart" weapons have had limited impact in these roles.

    F-16s are air superiority fighters like F-22s, intended to support close air-support fighters like the F-15 and A-10 as well as strategic bombers like F-14s and F-18s (and F-35s) against enemy interdiction by air and ground systems. They cannot be effectively used in isolation to fulfill these other roles as that is not what they were designed for. Air systems, like naval systems, are highly specialized around the role they are intended to perform and by using them in a capacity beyond their designed purpose you cannot expect reliable performance. If this is how Ukraine is going to use these fighters, they will have even less impact than the Challys and Abrams.

    It is purely a numbers game, as warfare always is, and Ukraine only ever had the briefest of opportunities to pull off a miraculous victory over Russia that depended on the scale and speed of Western support arriving at the front. Basically once the Russians were force into retreat from Kiev, that was the moment the West needed to provide all the systems en masse because together with the momentum and the manpower advantage (230000 versus 120000) it is conceivable that Ukraine could have forced Russia out of Donbas almost entirely.

    Too much time has now elapsed which has allowed the Russians to completely reconstitute and restructure whilst reinforcing their positions and Ukraine has expended far too much while the Russians keep receiving more and more supplies as their industrial sector is in full war economy mode and their allies are similarly able to ramp up their production without impediment. This isn't to say that Ukraine should or even can abandon the fighting. The government is obligated to find a means by which they can preserve the country that remains under their control whilst working for the return of their lost territories as well as for a practical and lasting resolution to the conflict, including the return of POWs, the resettling of the displaced and reparations for the damage and losses they've suffered.

    Despite being the aggressor, the Russian government also has these obligations and that is what makes it so difficult to arrive at a meeting of minds between Kiev and Moscow. Both are now aggrieved by each other in ways that cannot be simply cleared away and most definitely cannot be ignored. So, the path to peace is going to ultimately require some level of reconciliation between Russia and Ukraine meaning both will have to make compromises which they will not like to make. But we are still too far away from that point, and so the fighting and dying will continue.

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