People Disgusted Over Trump’s Latest Misogynistic Attack On Harris, Calling Her ‘Play Toy’ Due to ‘How She Looks’

People Disgusted Over Trump’s Latest Misogynistic Attack On Harris, Calling Her ‘Play Toy’ Due to ‘How She Looks’

People Disgusted Over Trump’s Latest Misogynistic Attack On Harris, Calling Her ‘Play Toy’ Due to ‘How She Looks’

Posted by inewser

  1. This motherfucker had Putin’s hand so far up his ass he almost became an honorary muppet and he expects us to believe this shit?
    Fuck outta my face you weird son of a bitch.

  2. Unfortunately a large part of the population responds well to that. It’s patriarchal, misogynistic, and self serving for Trump.

    I know between me and my wife, I’m the one much more likely to be walked over by an aggressive person. Mess with my wife and you find out what it means to poke a bear.

  3. Wow, they really hate women. Harris is almost 60, and she is still being talked about like this. Like, every professional should be taken seriously. But you’d think by 60, this specific sorta misogynistic talk would be done with??

  4. That is something really weird to say and hateful without any substance nor valid argument behind it.

  5. When are the Cult followers going to realize that they’re being fooled again.
    He has no plan to fix anything, except himself and his family into a permanent position of power .
    All he does and has ever done is criticize and complain about this country and anyone who wants to do the right thing to make it better.
    The only people he likes are those who don’t threaten his authority and agree with whatever he says .
    That’s not how Democracy works ..

  6. putler’s Number 1 kompromat talking about someone else being used? Hilarious.

  7. Then debate her Donny, bring your weird bellowing, lying charisma to the debate floor.

  8. If you are a woman and are voting for Trump, you are admitting you do not see yourself as a human.

  9. Funniest part of this is “how she looks.” Cackling nutcase Kamala Walla-Ding-Dong looks so, so scary.

  10. The people who are disgusted were already disgusted with him.

    His supporters already know who he is, and they love this stuff

  11. She is one beautiful woman he can never get his weird little hands on. So sorry, Cheeto.

  12. I’m convinced the hardest working people in the world are the poor schmucks on his team who have to follow up afterwards and clarify what he “really” meant. Like, how the fuck do we spin this to sound good? You know they’re watching his interviews like “hell nah, I’m calling in sick tomorrow”

  13. So according to Trump, if a woman is unattractive she has no business being in the public eye, and certainly can’t run for office.

    If she’s attractive, she has no business being in a position of authority, because she’s a “play toy.”

    So clearly in his eyes, there is no path for a woman to be anything but hidden or a whore. Got it.

  14. by “people” they mean the 2 “people” they talked to who were never going to vote for Trump in the first place

  15. “In todays news….Traitor says weird stuff

    Now to the Weather with Bob….”

  16. Trump can’t campaign on the issues because he can’t remember what the issues are so all he’s got left is personal attacks. The orange blob is seriously one weird dude.

  17. To be fair, people only take Trump seriously because he’s fugly.

    If he looked like a Ben Garrison pinup of himself, there’d be no eldritch horror to distract them from his lack of substance.

  18. Its all falling apart. They are grasping at straws. No more sleepy Joe. No more corrupt Biden Crime Family. No more Hunter’s laptop. Childish name calling is all that is left.

  19. “She should be letting Trump grab her by the pussy like a good little bitch, not running for president!”

    -Trump supporters, definitely

  20. A play toy? Did this guy ever show any respect to any woman ever? The man fawned over his own daughter and now he’s talking like this about his political rival because she’s a woman. Sickening.

  21. I don’t get his issue. She’s attractive, especially for her age. Is that a crime? I don’t think so.

    Personally, I’m looking forward to having a President I’d be happy to sleep with. Moreover, being attractive will help her during political negotiations. Certainly it will help her more than being a fat, old, ugly man.

  22. Trump is the one who is weak & dishonest. More projection from the weird one.

  23. He’s a rapist who is incapable of viewing women as anything other than objects to be used and discarded. Harris 2024.

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