Trump aide attacks ‘weirdness’ of Harris’ V.P. pick — and it backfires

Trump aide attacks ‘weirdness’ of Harris’ V.P. pick — and it backfires

Posted by AmbitionDue1421

  1. JD Vance looks like central casting for an evil preacher from movies. He just has that evil look to him.

    I can’t wait for Mark Kelly to roast him in a debate. If the wimp will even debate.

  2. The greatest part about the “weird” thing is that it’s not specific, it applies to everything. And it’s such a simple concept that everyone immediately understands and is very easily applicable to everything these ghouls say and do.

    – suppressing women’s rights? Weird

    – attacking LGBTQ? Weird

    – holding a press conference outside of a dildo shop? Weird

    – spray tanning your face orange? Weird

    – project 2025? Weird

    – worshipping an old obese pedo? Weird

    – wearing culty red hats? Weird

    – wanting to fuck your own daughter? Very weird

    – making sweet sweet love to your couch? Kinky, but also weird

  3. You know what IS weird, or weirder than a 78 year old convicted felon with obvious mental problems trying to be Orange Hitler.

    If you look at his weird history of changing names and personas along with the weirdness of his sexual behaviors, I feel comfortable saying that JD Vance is really Roger Smith from American Dad.

  4. Your weird,no you are with sugar on top..You know GOP is running scare when that’s the best comeback they have.DNC convention is in about two weeks and its going to be insane..That itself should give dems a huge bump which Trump never got even with the shooting. I could see Harris be 5 points up in every swing state if they play this right and attack project 2025,Trumps a felon and talk about Biden accomplishments. Mix it in with border protection,reducing inflation and bringing jobs back to america and dems will win…Register and vote.


  5. Buy Vance a pocket pussy, someone should post his address so we can send him some

  6. What’s weirder — fantasizing about fucking your own daughter or fucking a couch??

  7. Ah, Jason Miller, the Trump campaign weirdo that slipped abortion drugs into his mistress’s drinks after he got her pregnant. Only the best weirdos on Team Trump.

  8. I think Kamala Harris knows if she keeps pushing Trump with these catchy phrases, he will eventually lose it and just go completely racist one night while posting and his team won’t be able to fix it. He can see her gaining momentum and it’s driving him crazy.

  9. Isn’t this the guy who gave his mistress a plan B abortion smoothie without her knowledge?

    Creepy. Disgusting. Illegal… and weird.

  10. If you vote republican you’re a gay weirdo.

    That should scare off the MAGA crowd.

  11. My only problem with calling Trump and the lowlifes who support him weird is that it may hurt Weird Al’s reputation.

    I know he’s been around long before the orange shit stain was inflicted on us but his cult is stupid and self centered enough to think he’s brand new and only started as a way to support Dear Leader.

  12. Hoping they “leaked” wrong info to the republicans to make them look even more deranged.

  13. Jason Miller — pictured above — looks like a grown-up Zika Virus baby with a neck beard and a suit.

  14. Old Man Dump picked a weirdo couch fornicator as his VP and thinks that literally anyone else is weirder? The Boomer brain is not working too well

  15. Oh, this is the guy who slipped an abortion pill into the drink of a stripper he had an affair with while he was married.  The sort of thing you would think the self-appointed messiahs of the Catholic fringe would recoil from in holy horror.  But no, condemnation is for women, the poor, and immigrants, not men who are sleazy fixers, pedophiles/rapists, or politically useful.

  16. Does everyone with the last name Miller on the Trump campaign have a weirdly shaped head?

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