Putin’s Bold Nuke Threat For U.S Missiles In Europe; Stark ‘Cold War Crisis’ Warning I Warning

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a chilling new threat to the U.S., warning of a potential Cold War-style missile crisis. In a speech marking Russian Navy Day, Putin declared that Russia would restart the production of intermediate-range nuclear weapons if the U.S. deploys long-range missiles in Europe and Asia. Watch the full speech.

#russia #putin #russiaukrainewar #russiaarmy #joebiden #donaldtrump #kamalaharris #coldwar #germany #ukraine

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  1. if people could do their jobs … there should be Nobody threatning anybody …especially with NUKEs …are you insane ? quit THREATNING RUSSIA ! … and RUSSIA SHOULD NOT HAVE TO THREATEN ANYONE …then what after EVERYONE THAT BREATHES AIR IS DEAD ? THEN WHAT ? meanwhile an AI Robot has decided we are a threat to ourselves and the world … so it will remove all leaders in every government and military …so we are not a threat to AI robots ..LOL when i hear we are already at war with AI …and we are going to use more A I to fight it lmao ….AI is not making things any easier thats for sure . looks like its created a thousand more wars out of the hundred we already had going . fix this world back to how it was before Ukraine threatened Russia with joining Nato . …before Ukraine and October 7 th . and end the globalist fantasy that will never come true in our lifetime . we are not any closer to peace , instead the world is on track for complete destruction if things dont get better . Elon is right , A I COULD START a WAR ! it aready has a cold war 2 . Putins statement of ruling the world was very dangerous . we all die . then what … man is insane .we dont need another world war …nobody will win , everyone will die with the weapons of today .

  2. I first heard about Bitcoin in 2014, thought it was some game money or
    casino token. 2019 Became a Libertarian. 2023 bought my first sats. That
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  3. Biden is the best President ever He gave it to Putin more then any President. He has made Europe a even field of support and strength to all of Europe and the Baltics

  4. I really like American people and American literature and American folk songs like Pete seeger, roody guflin, Bob Dylan and many others. But I extremely hate American politicians. They are completely liers…….

  5. it's a bit very boring!! they've been promising nuclear war for 2 years now and nowhere are there any such cowardly worms, these politicians are just a lot of nonsense and no results, they're all American slaves😂

  6. putin is great. german leader did not understand why russia did the special military operation in ukraine, and wants to do the same mistake

  7. World wake up wilya…The warning and threats continue and if you asked me ,nations do not give a rats ass if millions are sent to hell because nations start wars to win at all costs..And so far hundreds of thousands have been dispatched in three years and two wars are blazing right now ..Proving that nations got thousands of nukes ready for judgment day and bye..bye to our species …If nations are warning the world of turning our creators good air into a radioactive hell on earth with no other earth available.,What a cringe worthy trap our world better hope never snaps ..It would be hell on gods earth..Seriously..😰😱😨

  8. Hey piglet (Putin) get the hell out of Ukraine or NATO will force you out. Personally I'm tired of the threats, he knows very well that Russia doesn't stand a chance against us

  9. Putin chose to start a war ,now he is paying the consequences,think say all you want , this won’t end well for anybody,especially Russia when china throws them under the bus and nk is sacrificed

  10. Why is not any other Countries coming forward of Trudeau corruption i am sure there must be some of them know They world be helping Canadians

  11. The U.S. often appears concerned about external attacks, yet it may overlook significant internal issues. Before addressing these domestic crises, it seems to start attributing blame to other countries, which could be seen as a form of distraction. U.S is always paranoid about somebody is attacking them lol. Let there be peace around the entire world…May all live in peace bliss and happiness.

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