MAGA Pushes Bonkers Theory That Pete Buttigieg is Faking Being Gay For Political Gain

MAGA Pushes Bonkers Theory That Pete Buttigieg is Faking Being Gay For Political Gain

MAGA Pushes Bonkers Theory That Pete Buttigieg is Faking Being Gay For Political Gain

Posted by newsjam

  1. Pete isn’t gay, Kamala isn’t black, Trump is a good and honest man. They live in the upside down.

  2. It seems like just yesterday they were claiming he “breast feeds” his kids.

    Pick a lane, Trump trash 🗑️

  3. If they felt being gay gave them a political advantage, they’d come out of the closet.

  4. Gonna be a lot of weirdo stuff thrown against the wall over the next three months. I’m betting nothing is going to stick.

  5. He got married to his husband for political benefits 😂 half the country hates him for being himself

  6. Every day when you think MAGA can’t be worse, they just come up with a new fantasy novel

  7. The irony of this when so many Republican men are cheating on their wives with men.

    They are probably jealous that Pete is out and they are living a lie.

  8. “Oh yeah, then why don’t you come over here and prove you’re gay”

    – maga probably

  9. So, he’s literally the opposite of Lindsey Graham.

    Although Pete’s a lot more convincing

  10. MAGA: He should totally prove he is gay. He should send me videos of his personal sex life. That’d be so hot… I mean it’s the only way I’ll believe him.

    Everyone else: Weirdos

  11. Ah, now that’s the sweet, sweet smell of desperation! MAGA is in a complete tailspin.

    Down the gutter they go.

  12. Shocking.. accused of “faking being gay” by a bunch of men that are faking being straight

  13. When he and Chasten got married they each said “no homo” so they’re not really gay

  14. They can’t believe a man as intelligent and quick witted in hostile settings could be gay because the gays can’t be smarter than them in their minds. Trump has them believing that the “others” are lesser than them. This does not always show up in real life, though.

  15. This one actually makes a lot of sense. See, Pete gets on TV and regularly trounces big republican pundits. But according to Republican lore, gay men are weak and effeminate, and definitely not capable of winning an argument against a traditional conservative male. So, the cognitive dissonance kicks in and they say: the only way he could be beating us so badly is that he’s not really gay. Clearly it’s a trap we have fallen into. He must be faking his entire life to lull us into a false sense of superiority.

  16. You gotta admire Pete’s commitment to the scam. He’s really done the extra, extra mile with the kids and everything. I think I’ll vote for him.

  17. Pete’s really doing the long con. Married a man and adopted a kid, all to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming transportation secretary.

  18. The worst part is my dad believes all this and it’s made it impossible to talk to him because it’s all he talks about

  19. So, let me see if I got this shit right:

    A man who has been in a relationship with another man for about nine years, came out four years AFTER his first ever political job (as mayor of South Bend), has been married to said man since June 2018 and has two (adopted) kids with him…has been lying about all of that for the entire time and is actually straight? Because that apparently explains how he is smarter than they are?

    …These folks have never heard of Occam’s razor, have they? Because the less complex explanation from the evidence is “he’s gay, we’re just idiots”.

  20. /s Wonder when he “turned gay” because for years he was talking like a straight guy ….

    ( being facetious here no srs)

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