Poll: One Hundred Percent of Democrats Support Vance Remaining on Ticket

Poll: One Hundred Percent of Democrats Support Vance Remaining on Ticket


Posted by AngelaMotorman

  1. The guy is a walking SNL skit, why would they want him out of the limelight?

  2. That couch rapist who also bragged about inserting hotdogs into his arse? Yes, please stay in the Weirdo GOP ticket 🤣

  3. Never interrupt an adversary when they’re making a mistake.
    On a different note, my wife says JD’s eyeliner game is on point

  4. Do u think he has a couch just for fucking or do you think he also sits on the same couch he fucks?

  5. Reminds me of the Brady Hoke coaching days at University of Michigan.
    UofM fans were so displeased with his coaching, “Fire Brady” started showing up on signs and banners at games and tailgates.
    That year the Michigan State/Michigan game was hosted at Michigan State. The guys at the front of the student section that always painted their chests to spell out a message chose “KEEP BRADY”. It was glorious.

  6. It’s especially hilarious since replacing him won’t look good either. Can’t complain about the Harris swap anymore, especially since we did that before the convention.

  7. The eyeliner diet Mountain Dew couch fucker is probably at Applebees right now. 

  8. The news is implying there might be a sexual history between thiel and jd…. how come my daddies never use me as a tool to destroy democracy. Obviously the goal is terrible, but let’s not pretend it’s not hot as fuck.
    His mouth is saying Christian fascism but his eyes are giving “choke me daddy”.

  9. You know you’re absolutely cooked when more people on your opposing side prefer you stay on the ticket then on your side

  10. This man is a complete wacko and grifter who should never be able to step foot near a microphone and speak ever again.

  11. I do! I would like to know when he became white though, I always knew him as an indian.

  12. What if deep down he actually is a really good person and all this stupid shit he is saying and doing is just because he wants a chance to fuck the Whitehouse furniture?

  13. As a likely Democratic voter, I would take it even further. Not only do I think Republicans should keep Vance on the ticket, I think that they should reverse the ticket and make JD Vance the Republican Presidential nominee. I think that would be really good for the country.

  14. I can not imagine a better running mate for the Orange Rapist Frandster. Keep moving your chops, JD. Let the world see who and what you are.

  15. Vance is the best gift Republicans could’ve given us and I’m so here for it.

  16. 1,000% back that idiot. Go Orange Jesus and Weird Vance guy or what ever his name is this week or sexuality.

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