[OC] Repeat Olympians are becoming more common

Posted by Evidently_21

  1. Crazy how clearly you can see the world wars.

    Also worth noting that this was surpressed because of amateur rules back in the day

  2. Why do the the first 5 time repeaters appear at the same time as the first 4 time repeaters?
    That is not correct

  3. I wonder if the dip in the 80s is the transition from boomers to millennials. Genx aren’t a big enough generation to maintain the trend. Although that those generations are a western world trend rather than fully global so would need it split by area or country to fully understand

  4. “Professionals” used to be excluded from competing in the past. That means sportspeople couldn’t get money associated with them doing sports. Now the soviet block countries got around this by giving their sportspeople nominal jobs that they actually didn’t have to attend or employing them in the army while focusing only on their sport. So western sportspeople after university and the first Olympics they attended, mostly either turned professional if they could, to make living out of sport, which meant they become ineligible for Olympics or quit altogether to start earning a living. Obviously there will be a some in West as well that managed to figure it out and keep competing for longer or were simply lucky to be born into money.

  5. Why would you use a 30 year x-axis for an event every 4 years instead a number divisible by 4?

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