Intelligent people know WEIRD when they see it !

Intelligent people know WEIRD when they see it !

Posted by bernd1968

  1. I’ve never seen such a clear close-up of his shoes, how does he even walk in them without them coming off? Maybe he uses the same tape or glue as he uses for his hair.

  2. Makes sense why he wouldn’t leave the stage without his shoes after being shot at. Can’t have anyone seeing the lifts.

  3. I always wondered why his SHOES came off when he was shot… now we know, its the same reason he couldn’t walk down a simple ramp…

  4. If him and DeSantis started a bluegrass band called the Steel Heels it’d be kinda funny.

  5. Fat old men don’t have longevity.

    From an actuarial standpoint, he could drop dead from a stroke or a heart attack at any moment.

  6. Sorry, but it’s the vile nonsense that emanates from his mouth that’s truly weird and disturbing.

  7. Men concerned about their own height are among the weirdest fuckers on Earth.

    They act like being short was a personal insult handed to them by God.

  8. What’s getting a little weird is how much people are obsessing over Trump’s weirdness. Nothing new here… Just a shiny new tune that is much overplayed at this point.

  9. The accordion hands is fucking weird.

    The dumbass duck face lip pucker thing he does constantly is weird.

    His word salad is weird.

    Everything about him is fucking weird.

  10. The media is complicit in the down playing of what a fucking freak Donald “miss teen USA” Trump is.

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