Bullied by the cult to get back in line.

Bullied by the cult to get back in line.

Posted by Hot_Mess_Express

  1. This is the “freedom” they always talk about. The freedom to do what the demented mob tells you to do.

  2. Every time I see this, I fucking die laughing. It’s like he’s sneezing, violently shitting his pants and nutting his brains out all at the same time.

  3. Kyle’s about to learn the hard way that leaving a cult is a bitch. Esp when that sect of fanatics makes scientology seem down to earth.

  4. OMG that’s hilarious with the yard signs. Dont forget who’s boots you’re supposed to be licking now Kyle.

  5. That video never fails to make me…I guess kind of laugh but also feel disgusted at the same time? It’s crazy that this piece of shit was a hero to the MAGAs. 

  6. In all fairness, MAGA has *plenty* of experience making kids bend to their adult will.

    Yes, I just called MAGA pedophiles.

  7. Poster for the overwhelming and desperate need for thorough background checks. There is no way this kid is mentally fit enough to own a gun.

  8. Traveled across state lines with a gun at 17. Put himself in harms way. Shot and killed people.

    He plead self defense and was acquitted from a murder charge.

    And people wonder why we are losing faith in our judicial system.

  9. Kyle: “I’m writing in Ron Paul and I’m not taking it back.”

    Narrator: *later that day, he took it back*

  10. This original clip cemented for me that this child had a shit upbringing and could have been redeemable. You are watching him relive the trauma of killing someone. He was so in over his head and the people who are supposed to love and guide him failed him.

    Then MAGA got him, threw him an enormous lifeline, and he doubled down like the chicken-fucking cop-humping cuck he is. Fuck Kyle Rittenhouse.

  11. Every time I see that sniveling little coward bully on the stand I just want to punch him.

  12. How tables have turned. Its weird hearing from Democrats calling Republicans ‘the cult’ and whining about them and blaming them for exactly the kind of stuff that theyve been doing for decades. Its kind of cringe in a way. Its like the school bully is getting bullied himself and he starts pointing fingers and crying about getting his teeth kicked in. Its quite satisfying actually.

  13. Okay, can someone explain what’s going on here? Why is Rittenhouse holding up signs, first one then the other, and why is he crying?

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