The debates would be a slaughter

The debates would be a slaughter

Posted by Adventurous-Most-845

  1. If Trump wins in 2024 there is no election in 2028. He even told us that was the plan.

  2. Forget waiting until 2028, Obama can stage a coup the day after Trump is sworn in then when he’s in office he can say it was an official act and be immune

  3. This has a lot of assumptions. Like that there will be another election, or that he wouldn’t chicken out of debating again…

  4. That’s far reach in assuming Trump wouldn’t announce himself as dictator and cancel election

  5. awesome fantasy but yeah like others have said there won’t be a 2028 or later election

  6. Cute, but we don’t want more Obama. We aren’t saying cult. We want our ideas and values to continue, not our Great Leader.

  7. Wouldn’t happen because after term limits are removed Trump would never allow a fair election again.

  8. I don’t think you are quite understanding the depths MAGA would sink to if this happened- they DO NOT care about what is actually legal or constitutional. They would simply have their SCOTUS (which after a 2nd Trump term would be expanded to 15 justices, all Heritage foundation shills or Trump family members) and have them disqualify Obama for some unthinkable reason.

  9. Presidential term limits are a constitutional amendment. It would take another amendment to get rid of them…

    That is, if the GOP doesn’t go along with tossing out the whole constitution. If that happens all bets are off on everything. Welcome to the second american civil war.

  10. This morbidly obese McDonald’s and Diet Coke goblin would be 86 at the end of the 28-32 term. Seems unlikely.

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