Trump reveals in late-night post he’s agreed to debate Harris — but not on ABC News

Trump reveals in late-night post he’s agreed to debate Harris — but not on ABC News

Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. The debate is on ABC.

    If Trump doesn’t show, then we get a nice 90 minutes of Kamala talking to a chair. 

    A chair is arguably a better US president than Trump.

  2. What a douche bag he doesn’t want to be fact checked so he can do what he does best is lie. Who the hell would vote for a president that wants those terms

  3. Does he need his Mommy there to hold his hand and make sure the mean lady is nice to him?

  4. And then what conditions will it be tomorrow or the next day. Eff him and his lies – we’ve seen and heard enough.

    Vote solid blue up and down – protect the Constitution and the rule of law so we CAN vote again and have our votes count.

  5. ABC was good enough when it was Joe. Now the orange crybaby wants his Fox to protect him from getting his feelings hurt. 

  6. Lol. Trump is a pussy.

    This is 100% deflection and misdirection.

    His supporters will pretend this is legit.

    It is not.

    Trump is a pussy.

  7. So dumb how mainstream press is titling their articles as “Trump agrees to debate on Fox”.

    The framing inherently makes the situation sound flipped where Trump is waiting for Harris to commit to a debate or that both candidates have agreed to one on Fox.

    It’s just so dishonest and I can’t even roll with the assumption that they went with the more clickbait-y headline because it doesn’t seem like it will generate more clicks but instead just blatantly misinform people

  8. This is so shitgibbon can have his own propaganda special on fox at the same time of the debate he ducked out of.

    I can’t wait for all of this to be over. It was so nice not hearing from the fucking loser on a daily basis

  9. Trump has not “agreed” to a debate, he only invited madam Harris to one of his rallys

  10. Trump and most MAGA want to fight from a protected position. Evolved by privilege, they have become knuckle daggers who hurl stones from rocky outcroppings. Just don’t touch their social security.

  11. If only there wouldn’t be a sycophantic crowd. If there wasn’t and I were her I wouldn’t give him any public indication that I’m going to do it and then show up anyway.

  12. Harris should do both debates. I really feel that she should choose to do this Fox ‘News’ softball teed up for trump on the 4th, then six days later debate the empty podium on ABC *with fact-checking* and bring up how he is a convicted rapist who had to pay $83.3mil in damages to one victim, is a con man for the college scam at the least, is a pedo towards his daughter in multiple interviews and anything else that is truly weird about him that needs mentioned to the public to be fact checked on the spot…

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