JD Vance Defends Trump’s Racially Charged Comments About Kamala Harris: ‘She’s a Chameleon’

JD Vance Defends Trump’s Racially Charged Comments About Kamala Harris: ‘She’s a Chameleon’

JD Vance Defends Trump’s Racially Charged Comments About Kamala Harris: ‘She’s a Chameleon’

Posted by PassageFamiliar7278

  1. Says the guy with four name changes, lies about his past, and wears eyeliner.

  2. JD is someone hand selected by Vlad Putin. I believe the timeline goes like this, but someone can correct me if I’m wrong:

    1. ⁠Vance calls Orange Don ‘hitler’ and other insults (all accurate insults but that’s beside the point)
    2. ⁠fast forward to this year and a Russian jet is seen parked next to the Trump Jet
    3. ⁠a few days later Orange Don meets with Viktor Orban, a known Putin surrogate
    4. ⁠a few days after that, Orange Don selects Vance

    It just so happens Vance is the loudest anti-Ukraine voice in Congress? These things are all coincidental? No they’re not. Vance is a Putin puppet.

  3. Coming from a guy that has a India wife biracial kids and not one lick of common sense 

  4. Chameleon? from a party of chameleons where totalitarianism of heritage changes when on the surface of a heritage of American patriotism to the peoples(God’s) equality.

  5. Funny how the republicans care so much what she is. Does it matter if she’s “really” black? Or if she’s Indian? Or if she’s an albino? Listen to her words you fucking lunatic racist freaks. Remember when politicians had platforms? Now it’s “I hear she sucks a lot of dick”.

  6. Says the guy married to an Indian lady. You think he would know what an Indian woman looks like

  7. Oh buddy we’re adding “sneaky” to the already racist attacks? Weird thing to do when you’re losing the public over being too racist already but ok you do you weirdo!

  8. so sayeth the dude who identifies as couch.

    gotta ask.. is it bdsm if its a leather couch?? I prefer gray fabric couches myself.. maybe thats too vanilla

  9. Let’s note it, but move on. Trump and Vance are doing this for attention to try to get back to dictating the conversation. They’ve shown their ass now let’s get back to showcasing the talent we have and good policies we’re going to bring to people to make their future better. Don’t get bogged down in tit for tats with these idiots or amplify their fuckery so they win the media attention game.

  10. It’s amazing how much they struggle with the idea that there may be diversity in all the “blacks” they hate. Almost I’f that would mean that they can reduce them to a dumb stereotype

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