Shilling beans from the Oval Office? Not weird at all.

Shilling beans from the Oval Office? Not weird at all.

Posted by d1t0m6

  1. I wonder if that had an adverse effect for Goya. I know I haven’t bought a single Goya product since that day, and prior to that I had no idea of their ties to Trump.

  2. Trump behaves like a drunk. Or a dry drunk. He may not drink, but he is a total resentment-filked asshole

  3. Of all his treasonous, racist, hateful, un-American bullshit, this photo epitomizes what an abject embarrassment he is to our country.

  4. This bi-racial (White/Orange) turd would sell his own fucking mother for a song.

  5. Remember 2016?

    Just imagine what chuds would’ve said if you described them this picture.

    People are addicted to normalcy.

    I fucking hate when they dismiss eventualities because “that sound impossible” or “somebody will do something” or “it’s too far-fetched”.

    January 6th should not have caught anybody by surprise.

  6. For me that’s the absolute proof that he sold state secrets… he would do anything for a dollar

  7. Oddly enough, I’ve not bought anything from that company since. And i grew up on Maria cookies…

  8. I remember that. The owner family (Unanue) $upported DT’s campaign.
    Family-owned Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue is a staunch supporter of Donald Trump which prompted a boycott of Goya products.
    **After Trump lost the 2020 election, Unanue said the election was illegitimate and that Trump was “the real, the legitimate, and the still actual president”.**

  9. This piece of shit has take. That seat and disgraced it so far that it will take years to remove his orange stain from this country… Thank god for Biden for restoring the pride of the office .. it’s a start .. TRUMPS are GARBAGE !

  10. I’m waiting to see endorsements splashed all over the Resolute Desk like NASCAR. At least then they’d be upfront about being bought & paid for by a particular lobby.

  11. I still have not bought or used a single Goya project since this came out (I live in Texas and used to all the time).

  12. Just this single action could end the political career of any politician in many Western democracies. I wonder how many other actions Trump took that would have meant the end for any other politician.

  13. Goya beans are the most wonderful and profitable beans of all time. Just look at their incredibly wonderfully beautiful bar chart showing their great great profitability.

    – Trump’s Sharpie

  14. I might see Goya products, but I always buy Rosarita (or ANY other brand) instead.

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