I don’t know

I don’t know

Posted by Captain_Wisconsin

  1. A lot of us remember Trump in his prime. He was about a 5 with a +4 modifier due to wealth.

    Honestly, in his youth, he looked and acted like the kind of fratboy you wouldn’t want to leave your drink unattended around.

  2. He wasn’t hot when he was young and he looks better than average really old people, but that’s not saying much when he had millions to work with. The style he settled on with the fake hair and orange looks stupid.

  3. Did he really say that? As an european I can’t even guess anymore.
    I mean…I totaly would believe him having that said at this point. Just weird he still has chances to be elected.

  4. The only thing that was hot about him when he was young was his wallet. Now he looks like an orange warthog with a chia pet on his head.

  5. Remember when Trump would pretend to be some other PR person on phone interviews and try to convince reporters that women were lining up for him?

    He’s always been weird about this. And everything else, too, I guess. But definitely about this in particular.

  6. Just a lovable worn-out, old teddy bear, just like papa Joe Stalin underneath that sweet exterior.

  7. He’s ALWAYS been as hot as an ice cube in winter on Pluto. But I’m betting his money was attractive.

  8. Trump sees AI images of himself and believes they are real. That’s why he compares himself to Jesus and Elvis and wonders if he is hotter now or earlier. He sees all these bare chest images of a muscle version of himself, rescuing children in floods etc, and he believes they are real.

  9. A presidential candidate tackling the real issues…am I hot? Was I hot? I’m hot? I don’t know.

    I wouldn’t hire this man to run a lemonade stand. His rambling word salads remind me of my father in law (he had dementia).

  10. When older men start talking like this, what they really mean is: Now I’ve got erectile disfunction

  11. Another meaningless jumble of words. That’s all this cold as an iceberg asshat can string together.

  12. Trimp is a weird delusional old man. He’s never been hot, he was a young effete douche and now he’s an old effete douche. Money makes these MF’ers think they have physical appeal and charm but it’s just the money.

    Edit for spelling

  13. This guy has always been an odd dork who was, an is, always trying to hang out/fit in with other rich socialite types.

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