NATO-Jets alarmierten, nachdem russische Su-30 in der Nähe des lettischen Luftraums entdeckt wurden

NATO-Jets alarmierten, nachdem russische Su-30 in der Nähe des lettischen Luftraums entdeckt wurden

  1. Sabre rattling and response testing? Russia does this a lot tbh. Has done it with the UK by having a warship go close to territorial waters and that.

  2. Im pretty sure this needs no explanation for people who have lived next to russia, but they have been doing this to us here in Norway every other month since the 90s. They will fly jets/bombers straight towards the border and then turn away at the last second when interceptors are scrambled.
    I think its to test response times, because that’s the sort of thing friendly neighbors do according to russia’s chest-thumping caveman logic.
    This has been going on since the inception of russia itself so russia has never been friendly to anyone. They are actual cavemen. They dont want to take part in a civilized world community they only want war and death.

    We mostly just roll our eyes at this childish stuff at this point but its also incredibly annoying.
    I wish every neighbor around russia would start doing it to them. All the time. If nothing else it would draw russian jets away from Ukraine, and if we are lucky a few of them would crash from wear and tear.

  3. Interesting thing I heard in a YouTube video. They said that the old Russian fighter jets are some of the most agile planes in the sky, and that they could probably beat most modern American stealth fighter jets in a dog fight.

    The catch is, most planes don’t dogfight anymore. Our stealth planes would fire missiles from beyond sight range and probably make impact about 20 seconds after they show up on Russian radar.

  4. NATO should test how well these Russian fighters and bombers evade their missiles when they do this.

  5. Serious question, what would happen if they didn’t send interceptor jets. Waited for Russia to clearly be inside their territory, then use Sam’s to shoot down Russian aircraft?

  6. They should just have a stealth fighter follow these jets and only reveal themselves upon reaching the border. That might get the Russians to stop without having to open fire.

  7. A few years ago Turkey (the country) simply shot one of these lost birds with its outdated map

  8. I always wondered if NORAD didn’t take their sweet time intercepting Russian planes. Obviously scramble ASAP but then keep the thrust real low and slow so that the perceived response time is much higher than it would actually be. Seems like a good tactic to give them a false sense of confidence. Especially if they notice the Russians trying different tactics and we mess with their heads about them.

    They probe us constantly and it’s nothing new, sometimes makes the news but really isn’t need worthy.

  9. I say we wait for them to actually encroach into another country’s airspace then light up their instruments with missile locks from everything that can hit them. Watch those pilots shit their pants. A few incidents like that and Russian pilots won’t want to try that anymore.

  10. Someone smarter than me can probably explain this, but wouldn’t it be smarter, faster, more efficient, and more cost effective to just let Russia cross into their airspace and letting traditional *known* air defenses like SAMs *take care of it?*

    I would think Russia would claim it as escalation in the media, but would in reality understand it as a blunt “hard no” type of response they respect.

    Can’t probe a response time if there is no response but destruction, and maybe they’ll start keeping their toys in their own backyard if they start getting lost when sent into other yards.

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