ABC host reportedly received death threats after Trump interview

ABC host reportedly received death threats after Trump interview

  1. No way. Trump supporters are the most stable and loving citizens in America. They would never call in and threaten a member of the media, ever.

    Harris for the Future. Trump for the Past.

  2. I imagine these threats were made by weird little man-babies who live in their mommies’ basements.

  3. Yeah, because *that’s* a completely normal response ….. (/s)

    This is *exactly* the type of stuff so many people are just exhausted by. This is why we don’t need four more years of this.

  4. But Trump is a changed man who sees there is no victory in divisive rhetoric and winning for half of America… /sarcasm

  5. This is how they attempt to silence others. People end up having to ask themselves if they can handle the threats and might decide not to risk speaking out or questioning him.

  6. Trump relies on this shit to gain advantages in interactions with members of the media. Terrorism is an important part in his multi-pronged effort to obtain the safest, softest, most gentle treatment.

    First, he threatens to withdraw before it even begins, over some demand that isn’t sensible, and this pressures the journalist or media company to cater to his wants.

    2nd, he makes a demand specifically to soften up the questioning or interaction. In this one, his staff demanded Trump not be fact-checked by journalist panelists in real time. They made the demand in the moments immediately preceding the event.

    3rd, he spends a portion of his time within the interaction attacking the interviewer or questioner personally, attempting to soften their approach or questions.

    4th, He whines in the media after the event about how unfairly he was treated.

    5th, His goon supporters make terror threats and threaten the lives of the people who interacted with Donald Trump in the questioning/interview.

    Future interviewers/questioners will be very aware of these actions and, wittingly or unwittingly will feel the pressure. They may alter their approach even before these methods are repeated in attempts on them (which benefits Trump), and those attempts will still be repeated, to soften the space for Trump even further.

    In this era of Trumpism and its feral activities, it’s easy to forget how interconnected all these are. Donald Trump will never denounce those terrorist actions. In fact, when pressed, he often echoes their same grievances, to an even wider audience, which serves to recruit the next batch of his supporters willing to engage in making terror threats.

  7. She started getting them before the show was over. Also Harris Faulkner certainly proved her moral baseline is non existent ..her two colleagues must have been embarrassed at sharing the stage with somebody that carries so much water for the rapey, felon / presidential candidate

  8. We all know that MAGA Trumpers would dance in the streets if something tragic suddenly happened to Ms Scott. When will this country understand that these are dangerous & despicable people.

    RW voters overwhelmingly support a finger-fucking rapist, a lifelong criminal, a convicted felon, and someone who carefully planned, provoked, and incited a violent insurrection of Jan 6th.

  9. Why are death threats proliferating? I realize that law enforcement might not be able to track down everyone who makes a death threat, but they can definitely get many of them and prosecute them. This should be treated as full-on terrorism because it is intended to create terror and intimidation for the victim. Zero tolerance and very serious consequences attached.

  10. Why are all these people getting death threats and we don’t have jails FULL of the people doing them? Threatening to actually kill someone is a crime, and it’s punishable by a year in jail in most states.

    Just once I’d like articles like this to cover the law enforcement response.

  11. “Harvey it’s Gotham, if they’re not trying to kill you you’re not doing your job right”

  12. I’m tired of Dumps exhausting brand of terrorism. Go along with whatever he wants or face death threats.

  13. Does it surprise anyone that a demagogue’s followers send death threats to those who challenge them?

  14. So MAGA loses their mind if you happen to say anything about him being “shot” but they run around threatening to kill people every day.

  15. Proof that he’s a Mafia guy .
    That’s exactly how they work. Intimidation and death threats . In school boards , librarians , election officials etc

  16. A small few holding back American progress! The rest of the world moving forward while America want to remain in the Dark Ages!

  17. The right wing has always been the violent terrorist arm of politics they project everything on everyone else but they are the violent ones, always have been

  18. Any candidate whose supporters feel the need to issue death threats (at all) is not a candidate who deserves to win elections.

  19. Wow and supposedly THATS the party of “morals” and “Christian values” fucking despicable.

  20. Yeah, that’s how Trump rolls. He did it to the young girl he raped when she was gonna testify against him, too.

  21. One of the damn few times that a journalist actually did her job correctly, and she could die because of it.

  22. Ain’t no one scared of these stupid hillbillies. They can fuck around and find out.

  23. I’m confused, I thought the Trump team said they nailed this interview that they delated and then left early? Shouldn’t their supporters be thanking her?

  24. It’s par for the course. If you ever challenge Trump in an interview, his terrorist supporters will threaten your life. This is certain.

  25. Expected no less. But these women are braver than most all of the GOP Congress.

  26. Trump goes off racist as hell and the black reporter gets death threats. No surprises here at all!

    These are the kind of evil fascist GOP scum that want to takeover this country and turn it into a Gilead hellscape! Vote against Trump and the republicans like your life is on the line in November because it is!

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