A Russian pilot filmed the first seconds after his ejection from a militarty aircraft

A Russian pilot filmed the first seconds after his ejection from a militarty aircraft

by Igor0976

  1. If the video is new, hopefully it was the newly delivered F-16s that got him with their AMRAAMs.

    The range for the newest AIM-120D is “classified” (don’t you love how coy they are!), but it’s way more than the 40 km standoff the Russians need to lob their guided bombs.

  2. He was shot down at pretty high altitude it seems. Not just you typical downed SU-25

  3. translation “dear great putin, i lost the valuable plane for some reasons. you can take it off my pay and send me to the gulag!”

  4. It’s hard to understand due to the wind but he says they didn’t even get anything done, so I’m assuming that means this is before they had a chance to drop their payload.

  5. This fuckin’ generation in a nut shell. Gets shot down. Step 1: eject. Step 2: selfie cam. Jk ilyg (you guys, not Russian pilots)

  6. Crazy, I had always assumed that pilots getting ejected would be badly hurt just from the g-forces acting on them.

  7. There was a video of a Russian airplane shot down and a pilot seen on his chute like a week ago or so on this sub. If someone can provide the link.

  8. The Russo-Ukrainian War continues to produce the craziest footage. From the insane A3OB IFV footage in Mariupol in 2022 to a Russian pilot casually filming his multi-million dollar war machine fall toward Earth below him.

  9. Typical Millennial: Gets shot out of the sky, thinks “I gotta Instagram this shit.”

  10. Thats way up high…

    Maybe a Sambush again with a patriot, the same way like the A50 few month back.

    No way they fly this high near the front.

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