Sunderland rioters throw rocks at Filipino NHS nurses on way to work as emergency cover

Sunderland rioters throw rocks at Filipino NHS nurses on way to work as emergency cover

by daily_mirror

  1. Attack nurses who have done nothing wrong except apparently live here. That sends out such a welcoming country vibe.

    Btw u/Daily_Mirror fuck you for charging people to opt out of not stealing their data with ‘privacy plus’ bullshit

  2. Not a single brain cell between them, society wouldn’t lose a thing once we lock these bigots away, hopefully for a very long time.

  3. Filipino Nurses are by all accounts excellent, these knuckle draggers could not even appreciate that, they lack brains and empathy.

  4. The government should deploy the army to these riots. Squaring off against the police is a very different look to squaring off against British soldiers. Let’s hold the mirror up to them and remind them what they are.

  5. Throwing rocks at Nurses, we really are dealing with the lowest forms of scum in British Society.

  6. You’d think people who are into getting coked up and fighting would have more appreciation for nurses given they’re almost guaranteed to need their services at some point.

  7. I wonder where the “Legitimate concerns” people are now? Probably chucking rocks at nurses too

  8. They’re just asking perfectly reasonable questions about immigration…………………… by attacking NHS workers?

  9. Harsh penalties for all rioters who are using the false pretense of the murder of children to justify their thuggish behaviour.

    These people are not social revolutionaries who care about genuinely advancing society, they are nothing but opportunistic brutes who give not a single fuck about anything other than their own lust for violence.

  10. I was born in and spent much of my life in the North of England. It has coasted on a reputation of not voting Tory as if that somehow makes it enlightened. In reality it’s home to the most neanderthal, violent, dysgenic, and intellectually subnormal troglodytes in the entire Western world.

    Like Brexit, these riots were a result of these toothless simpletons believing any shit they read or hear. These aren’t poor disenfranchised voices that need to be heard. In fact they have damaged the fabric of our country far more than any Conservative in recent years.

  11. These white working class protester’s as talk tv likes to call them ,as being labelled as far right is very offensive.
    Are certainly making their protest known now.
    Attacking libraries, community centres and Nurses .

  12. Definitely no racist motivations by these guys though. Just throwing rocks at random brown people. All these *”Legitimate concerns.”* people are oddly silent when it comes to doing anything at all tangible to reprimand these hate crimes. I can’t wait for the response, I can imagine it now: “those racists wouldn’t be so angry if the brown NHS workers weren’t busy causing undue burden to the system”

    What a bunch of cunts.

  13. The same nurses that will treat them when they get injured during the riots. Absolute scum.

  14. Why are many of the local White males there so angry with the Filipinas?

    Aren’t most Filipinas (apart from the ones in Mindanao) Christians?

    You would think they would be natural allies in the great Crusade against the MendaciousMuslims and HeathenHindus.

    Any colour from local Mackems?

  15. It’s hard enough to get nurses to work. I doubt most rioting would want the job, frankly

  16. Trump – stokes his followers , the capital etc and riots

    Farage – quite close to Trump , spent alot of time around him during his initial presidential campaign and during his presidency .

    Common denominator ? It was noted during the debates that he likes to stoke the fires , he pushes the buttons and manipulates people .

    All in all, between the media and the governments , they bare responsibility for the outcome of all of this. Clickbait inflaming headlines. They know quite often people won’t read the story, just the headline ..

  17. Even if you think there’s a problem with immigration, there’s no acceptable response to this other than “doesn’t matter, the only priority is making sure these people are brought to justice”.

    There’s no “legitimate concerns” to talk about while terrorism is happening.

  18. My SO works in the NHS and takes on work from Sunderland hospital and the last thing they need is less staff. They are massively understaffed as it is, it will only make the situation much worse if all the ethnic minority staff members were forced to leave out of concerns for their safety. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, and then not being able to get medical treatment for it.

    Bloody morons, and if they were really that concerned about the foreigners stealing our jobs, why don’t they go through the years of education required to go work in the NHS? Lord knows they are certainly guaranteed to be hired anyways.

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