Anne-Frank-Statue im Amsterdamer Park erneut mit pro-palästinensischen Graffiti beschmiert

Anne-Frank-Statue im Amsterdamer Park erneut mit pro-palästinensischen Graffiti beschmiert

  1. > A statue of Anne Frank, a Holocaust victim famous for her diary account of hiding from the Nazis during World War II, has been covered with pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel graffiti, AFP learned on Sunday, according to images published on X, the base of the statue was spray-painted with the slogan “Free Gaza,” while the girl’s hands were painted with the same blood-red color.
    Police have opened an investigation into the most recent defacement, which likely occurred overnight between Saturday and Sunday, an Amsterdam police spokesman told AFP, adding that no suspect had yet been identified.

    >August 4 marks exactly 80 years to the day that the Franks were arrested and deported after their hiding spot was discovered. The question of who turned the Frank family in to the Nazis has never been definitively settled, this weekend’s incident marks the second time in less than a month that the statue has been targeted, according to television station AT5 and confirmed to AFP by the police source, AT5 said that the statue in a southern Amsterdam park had been vandalized on July 9, after which the municipality called for increased protection of the site with video surveillance cameras and night-time lighting.

  2. I don’t care what your bullshit cause is. People that desecrate Holocaust memorials should be charged with hate crimes and spend serious time incarcerated. It takes a special kind of cretin to think about a girl that was murdered with majority of her whole family for simply being born Jewish and think that a memorial needs to be destroyed in the name of your own agenda.

  3. This is definitely NOT the way to get people that n your side. Doing this REALLY pisses off a good portion of the people that support Palestine.

  4. The most outspoken so-called antizionists are going to need to start doing some heavy lifting if they want to prove they aren’t rank antisemites

  5. And then they say “it has nothing to do with jew, we only hate zionosts”. They should go f themselves

  6. Can there bi a more open admission that this is not about a free Palestine but clear and simple antisemitism?

  7. Ah yeah, all those wonderful people who claim they are doing this to support fellow muslims, but stay quiet about concentration camps for muslims in China. They don’t give a rat’s ass about muslims, they just want to eradicate jews from this planet. Abhorrent weirdos.

  8. That’s not how they’re going to gain any support for the Palestinians. Slowly this is how they’ll be radicalized by terrorist groups.

  9. I’m honestly so tired of this whole thing. How does destroying cities from your protests help your issue? How does vandalizing holocaust memorials help? Instead of doing this kind of crap go the hell to Palestine and fight for your cause?

  10. At this point it’s becoming harder to tell the pro Palestinians apart from the pro Hamas people. I don’t think the difference was ever a large margin to begin with, but now it’s seeming like they are one and the same. Sucks when your message gets promoted and conflated with terrorism, but then again, if you spoke out against the terrorists the message would be harder to conflate.

  11. Doesn’t surprise me, half of them think she didn’t exist or that her diary is fake because just because

  12. Disgusting that they did this. Shame on those people. Hoping that they are arrested.

  13. You’d think someone who claims not to be anti Semitic but just against poor treatment of Palestinians would sympathize with Anne Frank…

  14. Same people telling Jews to “go back to Poland” are desecrating holocaust memorials.

  15. They are not just spitting in Jews faces by doing that. I hope and pray Europeans can comprehend that.

  16. **Surprised Pikachu** What else is new? They keep doing shit like this. Again and again and again…. and then they act surprised when half of the world doesn’t support them or doesn’t give a fuck about their cause? The entitlement.

    I hope they continue with this bs. Because every time they do something like this, more and more people stop supporting their cause. The pro-Palestinians are destroying themselves. And in due time, no one will care about them or their Palestine.

  17. It’s ignorant, Israel didn’t exist when Anne Frank was hiding in terror during the third reich 

  18. Wtf is this supposed to accomplish? This makes me support Palestine even less than before.

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