MAGA boomers are saying this is “based”

MAGA boomers are saying this is “based”

Posted by ShaniaTpain

  1. Own of my favorite moments that came out of this “genital panic”, for the lack of a better term, was what happened here in FL. Our legislator passed a law that any student athlete (def middle and up, not sure if it applied to elementary) could challenge an opponents gender. This would lead to a gender verification/genital exam.
    The law fargin passed, sigh, but they scrapped it afterwards when they were working out the finer points.

    Something to the effect of “So, who exactly will inspect the child’s genitals?” Silence. “Nope, this over, we’re shutting this down”. I believe the law is still in place but no enforcement mechanism was ever created. It took getting to the point of openly deciding who inspects the middle schooler’s genitals before they realized how weird it was.

  2. Think of all the people we will save from being sexually assaulted in bathrooms!

  3. Hey, just because that’s always been the policy in his family, doesn’t mean it works for the whole country.

  4. All of this “persecute the LGTBQ+ folks” by day and overload the local Grindr site at night stuff is weird.

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