I wonder what Mick Mulvaney thought about his op-ed as the events on January 6 unfolded.

I wonder what Mick Mulvaney thought about his op-ed as the events on January 6 unfolded.

Posted by OutrageousMight457

  1. And in the end he’ll accept the result that he won, no matter what the election boards report.

  2. Magical thinking is how they deal with the world anyway. One more isn’t going to be much of a burden.

  3. Even I knew trump was gonna pout and bitch and stomp around before kicking the ball over the fence and running home. And I don’t know shit about shit.

    He’s SO one dimensional. Everything thought he expresses is surface level only, never any complexity. Being a “loser” is just about the worst thing in the world to him. Far worse than trying to destroy a democracy. Oh but he hugged a flag, so he loves America. Weird.

    Spoiler: he’s not gonna concede this one either, Mick

  4. Right alongside Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post with “Calm down, Roe v Wade isn’t going anywhere” in 2018, following up her Nov 4 2016 column, “Calm Down. We’ll Be Fine No Matter Who Wins”

  5. He was wracked with the same shame and self reflection as the ad hack for McDonalds was the first time someone noticed “wait a moment; I don’t think *I am* ‘loving it’…”

  6. He wasn’t alone, all the super wise pundits were falling all over themselves telling everyone that this time trump would act like an adult

  7. Trump has never done anything gracefully in his entire life. Why would he start now?

  8. The only way this happens is if there is a secret under the table deal that is made between high officials and Trump for Trump to just fade away in existence and stop doing what he is doing. Maybe even start trying to chill his rabid cult members. That’s the only way I could see this happening but I highly doubt it.

  9. He thought nothing about it because being a part of that movement means the ability to seemlessly shift from moral to moral and rapidly change your entire perspective on things to gain power and money.

    He’d write the same article today, and he’d claim Trump DID gracefully step down in 2020 in that very same article.

    If his words or his ability to honestly articulate what’s literally happening around him meant anything to him he wouldn’t be Mick Mulvaney.

  10. Memes at the time said if Trump loses his supporters will uquetly go to work and continue being upstanding members of society. But if Biden loses his supporters will burn cities to the ground.

    Never forget that they were projecting.

  11. Unlikely. Grace is automatically excluded when it comes to to the enfent terrible.

  12. The fact he thought he had to write this op ed suggests a serious character problem in the first place

  13. Nearly 4 years on and he still hasn’t accepted the results.

    He’s like Kanye and the “fish sticks” joke, except without the humour.

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