Something has gone wrong for insects, says Cambridgeshire charity

Something has gone wrong for insects, says Cambridgeshire charity

Posted by MaffeoPolo

  1. Any chance mosquitoes could get extinct soon? I know that’d be a disaster for the environment but since we’re all already fucked anyway I wouldn’t mind see them all die first

  2. Build everything full of concrete in pursuit of the capitalist infinite growth meme.

    Why are there no bugs anymore, scientists wonder?

  3. Fuckers are all in my house after I came back from holiday.

    Fruit flies, moths, butterflies and flies.

    And judging from my car windscreen they aren’t doing too bad number wise.

    Not sure I could handle more bugs!

    Probably necessary for ecosystem unfortunately. Probably pesticide doing the damage on farms and car pollution

  4. as a child in the 90s I remember going around the block and catching bunch of cool bugs with my hands because they were everywhere

    now I can’t find one if I try

    ditto for driving in rural highways, before the car would be coated with bugs in an hour now you can drive all day and not even clean your windows

  5. I live in a rural wetland. There’s nearly no bugs. And all the frogs died after an early thaw. wtf. There should be tons of bugs.

  6. Gee… I wonder if exploding over 5,000 nuclear bombs on, under, over, underwater, on the water, above the water… the planet has anything to do with it. You know… radiation?

    Good thing there’s monsanto to shift blame to, huh?

  7. Really noticeable in Ireland the last couple years due to the weather. Almost constant wind and rain so no bees or butterflys.

  8. Probably a combination of global climate change ie warming ,pesticides ,habitat destruction, people letting invasive species in different areas etc 

  9. as late as 2014 I remember insects being more common, I remember them splashing into the windshield of my dad’s truck. That’s simply not a thing anymore

  10. ‘Climate Change’ is really too kind of a term for what we have done to this planet and what’s coming.

  11. Christmas beetles (Anoplognathus pallidicollis) have pretty well vanished from Australia. They are an east coast native and their arrival used to herald Christmas. I’d spend my summers picking them off the fly-screens when I was a child. Haven’t seen a single one in over a decade.

  12. This year the difference is stark. Hardly any bees, no butterflies, not hearing any grasshoppers or buzzing flies. Only seen a couple of wasps all summer.

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