Well, which one is it, grandpa?

Well, which one is it, grandpa?

Posted by Hot_Mess_Express

  1. He said in an interview that he should get credit for every good thing that happens (even if he had nothing to do with it) and no blame for any bad things (even if they were definitely his responsibility).

  2. People had more brains before this fool encouraged idiocy and emboldened the morons. Normal behavior for insufferable people changed in society because of exposure to this con man.

  3. Nice game the asshole is playing: Heads I win, Tails you lose. Can we send him to Alpha Centauri already?

  4. Am I the only one disturbed that we’re attributing a humane word such as “grandpa” to that thing?

  5. Context: the main thing in stocks has been Tech/Ai stuff. This past week around 34 billion in value was knocked off the market.

    He is claiming this is political. He is full of BS.

    The reason this happened was a bunch of those Ai tech companies just had earnings and they didn’t hit the expectations. Really a lot of it was a hype driven bubble anyways so this is more of a correction. But regardless it’s a great thing to use when you assume the people who listen to you are fucking idiots. 😂

    Because they won’t know the difference and they will just assume it is because of politics.

  6. Trump: US made a terrible deal with the hostages.

    Also Trump: Putin returned the hostages because I’m going to win.

  7. Whenever I see a Trump post about markets I’m reminded of the fact that if he took daddy’s money and sunk it all into an SP500 mutual fund he’d be far wealthier than with all his failed businesses and cons.

  8. It’s like when he would say, “this is Biden’s America,” even though he was still the president. 😂

  9. Put me in with the crowd that wonders why he isn’t being held in jail after being convicted of 34 felonies. Or even the crowd that is in the timeline where he posts on social media from home confinement.

  10. According to Trump, anything good that happens is because Trump was/will be in power and anything bad that happens is because Trump should have been in power.

    People who don’t see through that superficial bullshit is deliberately obtuse.

  11. He literally has no position or conviction in anything. He just says whatever is best for the day or hour.

  12. It seems that Trump is a case for the mental hospital and then an old people’s home, in this order.

  13. The stock market isn’t even falling apart and will hit record highs in Sept when the Fed finally initiates an interest rate cut.

  14. Trump keeps contradicting himself like this, and his minions follow suit. It seems to outside observers that they are stupid.

  15. I can’t believe the weirdo Republicans actually defend this waffling dumbass

  16. Anyone actually following the market and understanding what’s going on knows this has nothing to do with who’s president or whoever is running for president.

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