Results Of A MASSIVE Attack, Top Ukrainian Commander Compromised – Ukraine Map/News Update

Results Of A MASSIVE Attack, Top Ukrainian Commander Compromised – Ukraine Map/News Update

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Those photos can be doctored and I don't believe Ukraine, they constantly lie about the claims. I guess now that they are getting crushed they have to amp up the propaganda machine again, I remember the same thing happened after their failed offensive. A lot of lies and doctored satelite images then too.

  2. No one talks about the growing resistance in Ukraine and the people wanting elections to resume or, more telling.. The sabotage of Ukrainian military equipment by Ukrainian military personnel.

  3. Define IRONY :

    Ukraine ruled by a Banderist Regime appealing to the so called "Third World" for help against Russia

    I pointed this out because if you remember the way Ukrainian treated African students who were evacuating ares in Ukraine back 2022 throwing them off of trains and abandoning them in sub freezing temperatures and there is footage of this happening

  4. Oil on the left covering 1/2 a square (internal dam sections?); foam covering a larger area on the right bunker area. With an inferno in the right bunker, oil in the left bunker dam did not ignite!

  5. Forced Mobilization is ABSOLUTELY NOT working. And the people of Ukraine want the war to stop now. But 2% of Ukrainians seem to think the war should continue.

    Ukraine will have to surrender territory and this is obvious. And they will have to renounce NATO membership.

    But Zelensky Government will reject that so the war will continue.

    CONCLUSION: The war will only end when Zelensky or his successor surrenders.

  6. Keep it up Willy, in contrast to 99% of the naysayers here you try to look at all claims to examine their credibility, an impossible task in a war to always get right even with the best of intentions.

  7. Russia has been double crossed one to many times by the west and Ukraine. There will be no negotiations only capitulation.😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

  8. Why is this dude ignoring the top liked comments countering his narrative? There are folks writing unbiased rational comments on his YT videos, and he still continues to push 75℅off what the MSM does. I'll like to see his mental gymnasics explaining the positive sides of UA signing thr peace document at the end of this year.

    Nobody cares about UA / RU War anymore. The future middle eastern war i all the rage now, just like the crisis we had a few years agi with the famous desease that kept us locked up like animals for months.

    This sad bloke is collecting his last pennies from YT. In 3 years he'll once again be a nobody once again.

  9. ​@FairladyS130 I use common sense logic and a hell of a lot of effort on my part. I work full time as a teacher and most of my free time is spent doing research on the Ukraine Russia war. I make no claim to be an expert and can only claim that I never take anything at face value and research everything. It's not something I mention every day to anyone on these channels but I have three degrees and one is in Russian studies. By no means am I involved in the military, but my father certainly is. We discuss this war often. He is fervently pro Ukrainian but even he listens to me If I tell him something about the war and back it up with logic and solid evidence. I am not saying I gave Solid evidence this time. Very busy lately. This is a short overview of my own experience. You have every right not to believe me. It's your peragative. Just do your own research and prove me wrong. A word of caution, don't tell me something that is not backed up with very solid evidence and logic.

  10. C'mon Willy. How many times have we heard…"We'll deal with the debt, after victory"… now what ? Nobody spoke of the reversal in situations

  11. Just a comment here. I am very impressed with the high level of thought put in the comments here. Very similar to the comments on the Duran. I had a few requests to go through my sources, which in use to come to my conclusions. My apologies , I am extremely busy and could not get to it today, even though I had every intention to do so. It's very late here in Canada and I will pick this up in the morning and try to respond. 😊

  12. I fkin knew it.Thats about the only thing that would explain it Parts of the military is doing what they want.They are dirty they have to be weeded out.

  13. 22:00 If it was GUR, why not Budanov? Why would you send a foreigner NCO and post to telegram of all places? I think its not being reported because it is likely nonsense. There is also a PM that claims that Syrski is a RU asset. Lots of people looking to lay blame on people's shoulders.

  14. I never heard of Sarah until now. I noticed how she sounds very American so of course I went to Google and found a wiki page about her.

    I don't know much about Sarah but it seems that this is not the first time she's been involved in leaks and scandal.

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