Presidential immunity ruling bites back

Presidential immunity ruling bites back

Posted by 7dayweekendgirl

  1. Don’t the MAGA crowd say the sitting President has “Absolute Immunity”? It’s Gorsuch who should “be careful”.

  2. Call 4 justices enemies of the states

    Send seal team 6

    see how long it takes

    For a change of mind

  3. The supreme Court aren’t worried about this, they designated themselves as the arbiters of what counts as an “official act”

  4. Such hubris to make this statement to POTUS.

    How about John Gorsuch fukin “be careful” with how much corruption he allows from his colleagues. 🖕🏽 SCROTUS

  5. As a justice I’m not going to get into what is now a political issue in the middle of an election, but let me get into it because I’m a political hack.

  6. Sounds like a threat to the President of the United States, and the Secret Service should be all over it.

  7. Dark Brandon has that Presidential immunity card.

    Declare that as a threat. Find the SCOTUS as being compromised. Send in a team and hold them in a quiet place.

  8. SCROTUM has no body to carry out their rulings. The commander & chief has the entirety of the armed forces.

    Go ahead, kick off a death-match, let’s see how that plays out.

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