Nancy Pelosi is a national treasure.

Nancy Pelosi is a national treasure.

Posted by OutrageousMight457

  1. She’s buying and selling your future on the stock market with insider knowledge. She’s a gremlin, another side of the Duopoly but just as reptilian

  2. Just because conservatives are awful does not mean we should pretend neoliberal democrats aren’t helping the agenda. Nancy Pelosi was always a roadblock to progressive policies.

  3. I mean, on one hand she’s enriched herself massively on her career in politics while obstructing progressive action or anything that would impede her insider trading for decades. The miserable witch has set us back for god knows how long with her refusal to codify RvW. 

    But on the other hand she made a semi-funny joke in an interview. 


    National treasure. 

  4. JD is a terrible person but let’s not act like Pelosi is some bastion of good will. She’s self serving just based on her allowing stock trading and profiting mightily from it. She does what will be best for Nancy at the end of the day.

  5. Nancy Pelosi is not a National treasure. She’s just an archaic corporate dinosaur with the most productive stock portfolio in HISTORY.

    She’s also barely coherent. Beyond time for her to retire.

  6. Until Pelosi is fully out of the Democratic party, the Democratic party will continue to be stunted and horrible.

  7. One thing I’ve learned about myself since Kamala announced her candidacy is that if youre a politician over 65, you can get the fuck out of my face forever. Seriously, go get in your coffin and leave this shit to people who aren’t surprised when they wake up every morning. I’m sick of her entire generation.

  8. She was an effective Speaker of the House, but has been a real hindrance to pushing more progressive policies through.

    A national treasure? Yeah, not so much.

  9. omg – nancy pelosi is NOT a national treasure – get back to your roots -pelosi has syphoned millions off the tax psyers – if we manufacture bullshite on these people we are no better than the nuts on the right – dear gawd a national treasure?!! shame

  10. She is a criminal jist like the rest! She presented a bill to cap interest rates on major credit card companies. 1 month after the bill was presented her husband had large amounts of stock in those companies. She quickly rescinded the bill.

    That’s why senators and congress should not be able to buy or trade stock! No family no friends or staff should be able to.

  11. She’s far from a national treasure, remember she still sucks for any progressive moment forward.

  12. Funny clip? Yes.

    Has she has her moments? Oh, yes.

    Is she a national treasure? No. God, no. I wish she would just retire. No one has any business running for office at *84*. Hasn’t she enriched herself enough by abusing privileged information? What is with this sociopathic addiction to power.

  13. Yeah, it’s cute, but doesn’t she push hard for senators to be able to still own stock?

  14. As attributed to Sun Tzu, centuries ago: “Never stop your Enemy when he is making a Yuge, I mean Huge, Mistake.”

  15. I agree about Vance but let’s not turn Pelosi into some great politician that’s for the people .

    Sbes another one that should have retired years ago. But can’t keep making millions without that inside knowledge

  16. Let’s not suck off one of the major participants in the 70 year long bipartisan effort to destroy the middle class.

  17. Pelosi is soon-t-be a billionaire, but hey, she says the right things, so the people think she’s pro-people.

  18. She is not a national treasure. She’s in the party who I vote for but she is far from a national treasure given that one of my crazy lefty beliefs is to be against insider trading.

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