After appeal Jordan Chiles takes bronze in the floor final

Posted by Chelseatilidie

  1. Is it just me or they totally robbed Voinea of bronze? I think she did better than most, her landings were mostly clean and difficulty was there. Can someone please tell me why she got such low score? The entire venue gasped

  2. Final standings were announced, Chiles got 5th place and Romanian Bărbosu already won Bronze, then the appeal came in and Chiles got bumped up to 3rd place and knocked Bărbosu down to 4th. Really terrible production from the ~~referees’~~ judges’ side.

  3. her D score went from 5.8 to 5.9 so it was a score change in something that is more objective than E score which can be somewhat subjective.

  4. Iā€™d love to know what the appeal was and what was overturned. Will they ever tell us?

  5. Why didn’t the Romanian girl that got bumped appeal as well? Worth a shot right.

  6. ITT: a salt mine and tons of bitterness by 1st time gymnastics watchers who understand fuck all about rules

    Truly entertaining you lot.

  7. Been following Jordan for years and wanted her to medal but not like this. Iā€™m gutted for Barbosu

  8. How about waiting until any appeals are over to post the final results… Tough break for the Romanians.

  9. So happy for Jordan but I do feel bad for the Romanian gymnast in the way this transpired. They should have waited for all appeals to be complete before reporting who won.

  10. Some of these commentators are too young to remember the Seoul 1988 controversy.

  11. Voinea deserved the bronze, really good solo. Should have been 13.800/866 for her.

  12. There was ABSOLUTELY nothing shady about this if you actually understand what youā€™re talking about, it was a simple appeal. Please stop crying in this thread

  13. People say she’s being litigious, but you have to remember, her dad is Jackie Chiles


  14. Aww so happy for Jordan. Her reaction was pure joy. šŸ˜­ Along with Cecile (her coach). Simone appeared to be just as excited for Jordan, her repeating shut up in disbelief šŸ«¢

    I feel bad for Ana (the Romanian gymnast). Not sure why she did not wait until the inquiry was complete to start celebrating. I remember in London when Aly lost a bronze in the AA and won a bronze on beam due to inquiries – both of them were posted on the scoreboard. The rotation wasnā€™t over until the inquiry was officially announced. Was it not posted? I canā€™t recall if Laurie mentioned the inquiry before the score was changed.

  15. Insanely proud of Chiles for being brave enough to enter an inquiry. It takes a lot of guts to do what you think is right by you, and she showed she had it.

    Itā€™s unfortunate Barbosu got nudged just out of a medal, but rules are rules. If the judges didnā€™t think Jordan didnā€™t deserve the D-score change, they certainly wouldnā€™t have given it to her. Voinea knows that first hand as her inquiry (to bump her own teammate out of bronze running btw) was denied.

    Decimals decide whether or not you medal and it can be heartbreaking when it doesnā€™t go your way, but thatā€™s gymnastics.

  16. Gymnastics needs to avoid that last scene of a gymnast losing her medal because of an inquiry. Gymnastics needs to finish inquiries, somehow, before announcing final results.

  17. So happy for Jordan to finally get an individual medal, at the same time I am absolutely gutted for Barbosu, seeing her reaction to the score change made me wish I could just hug her through the tv.
    I will also add that it is okay to be upset over the result, the scores, and how it was handled, but that doesnā€™t give you a free pass to be cruel (or racist as I have seen some people behave) to Jordan or any other gymnasts over something that is the fault of the judges. Tearing someone down and being disrespectful to them isnā€™t going to change the result.

  18. I am so happy for her because Jordanā€™s floor routine is my favorite of all team USA

  19. Sorry I don’t really follow this sport and I don’t understand the scoring system , can someone explain ?

  20. That Romanian girl on the podium is Ana Barbosa. Her standing there with the flag on the podium while Jordan celebrated is burned in my mind.

  21. From the Romanian side of things, the problem was not with Ana Barbosu’s score (the gymnast that first celebrated a medal, but then ended up with nothing), but with Sabrina Voinea’s score. Ana received a fair score.

    However, Sabrina Voinea’s score was misjudged by the referees.

    For the exact same routine, in the qualifications she received a 6,2 difficulty score.

    But in the final, doing the exact same routine as on the qualifications, she only received a 5,9 difficulty score.

    Those 0,3 would have been enough to give her a medal.
    But her appeal was rejected.

    So 2 set of judges gave her 2 different scores, for the same routine, with the same difficulty.

    After her score score was shown today, the entire arena gasped in disbelief.

    She was the real loserr from the Romsnian team, due to a scoring system that allows this kind of different opinions.

  22. I want to know what Sabrina got the 0.1 penalty for since it didn’t look like she stepped out to me. Because that appeal should also have changed the results as well if it went through

  23. I gotta be better about staying off social media. I keep getting spoiled šŸ™

  24. I love the Romanian gymnasts, but you donā€™t know she did the exact same routine because we are not elite level judges at the Olympics. It may look like that to us, but we cannot properly evaluate whether she actually completed each skill to meet the criteria for her intended difficulty. This happens all the time in gymnastics, a gymnast does the ā€œsame routineā€ from an earlier round (ex. qualifications) but it gets a different difficulty credited (because they actually did not perform the skills the same).

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