Putin’s losses rise as cost of Donetsk push could have impact in Russia | Frontline

Strikes on oil refineries and continued losses in Ukraine will require Putin to keep strong control of the war narrative in Russia, say this weeks Frontline experts:

Intelligence expert, Col. Philip Ingram
Former Military Advisor to US Central Command, Maj. Gen. Chip Chapman
RUSI Senior Research Fellow, Airpower & Technology, Prof. Justin Bronk
Retired Tank Regiment Commander, Col. Hamish De Bretton-Gordon
RUSI Director of Military Sciences, Matthew Savill

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  1. This network is optimistic for Ukraine I agree they did great in the first 2 years but they are running out of people at a much faster rate than the Russians just based on their population differences. If Russia is losing 1000 people a day that's crazy that no one has complained yet in their country.

  2. Russian weapons are all show and no go. Their problems really began when they started drinking their own cool-aid. They started to believe their own propaganda. Russia is not the Soviet Union and the soviets best weapons were made in satellite countries like Poland and Ukraine. Russia looked good on paper, but it was a paper army. The majority of Russia's "modern' weapons systems are a generation behind and of poor quality. They also rely heavily on foreign components.

  3. It is not 'primarily' ethnic Russians who are being killed in Ukraine. It is mostly ethnic minorities, the 'relatively' few ethnic Russians that are killed come from impoverished communities. Ethnic Russians see no value in the minorities, and think of them as 'undesirables' hence it is not a problem for "Russian" families. They think more of Ukrainians yet still have no problem with Putin's repeatedly stated aim in Ukraine of genocide. They have little concern for the war crimes that happen on a daily basis in their name. The Russian people are the only ones that can stop the invasion that Putin started in 2014. Russians have a surf mentality and will not do anything to stop this until it severely hurts their standard of living (get hungry) or perhaps when ethnic Russian families start loosing sons and brothers on mass the way the minorities are.

  4. Larry Johnson summed up Philip very well, as well as Doctor Gilbert Doctorow . Probably many others. Philip has no shame about making a fool of himself so as to enhance his bank balance.

  5. Nobody talks about something that is missing. There used to be almost daily news of arson fires within Russia. This method of warfare seemed to have a large psychological
    impact, especially as the Russians did not know who was doing it. I haven't heard of any such fires in the last six months to a year. Does this mean that Russia caught or killed
    the perpetrators? Or that Ukraine stopped supporting this tactic?

  6. Not even the deaths. The ruzzian body incinerators were so overworked they bought a fleet from China. They refused train fulls of corpses from Ukraine. Commanders order bodies are not recovered from the battlefield. There may be several hundred thousand families not compensated because the ruzzian army are pretending they are MIA or AWOL. That has to be breeding discontent.


  7. Putin is well aware (despite all the propaganda that he spews) that he really has nothing to fear from NATO. It is a defensive organization whose weapons and doctrine are all built around defence against aggression from, primarily, Russia. He has at times admitted as much. NATO would not and could not 'invade' Russia because the people still hold power in most western democracies and they would never allow it. He knew NATO would not and could not come to the defence of Ukraine in any meaningful way. He thought western oligarchs would/could keep material support from flowing to Ukraine hoping to protect their business interests in Russia, he was wrong. He did not think Ukraine could resist in any meaningful way and again he was wrong. However he knew that the west would not and could not come to defend Ukraine or invade Russia and on that he is spot on. He might have worried somewhat that the Finland might get ideas about getting some of their territories back from Russia but NATO membership for Finland has probably assuaged those concerns. This allowed him to remove troops and equipment from the North and Finnish border.

    Putin believes that all national leaders are like himself if only secretly in the west.

    If I was Putin I would be more concerned with the CCP as Xi has a mindset similar to Putin and no checks as there are in most democracies. Xi is looking for an opportunity for military conquest since installing himself as the emperor. The CCP is primarily interested in Philippine, Vietnamese and Taiwanese territories as Xi sees them as weak and close by. Xi is at present satisfied with turning Russia into a vassal state, however Russian held territory may start looking more and more attractive to him. Particularly as Xis' influence in North Korea has been slipping away.

  8. Either I am a prophet and can see into the future or this video was posted yesterday or the day before – not 4 hours ago as youtube says – since I've seen every single second of the first 8 minutes before.

  9. How is Putin getting African troops anyway? Couldn't NATO use the ol' Hasdrubal strategy, and just start a bidding war? I don't get how Putin is convincing poor people to fight for him. NATO supposedly has the money and the superior weapons. What is he promising them?

  10. Ukraine has been given what 6-10 F16s? The US really needs to quit managing this war. Train more pilots, take the restrictions off where Ukraine can bomb. I imagine in a week or so the Russians will be saying they shot down 20+ F16s

  11. In 2017 I was on a ship sailing to Odessa that became stuck at sea for half a day because of waiting for Russian military ships training at sea. Russia has been training and we didn't do enough to prepare Ukraine for this despite glaring evidence that even the average person travelling across the black sea could see five years prior.

  12. Just a question for Russians. What do you think happens when we over here in western countries actually start fighting? How do you think things would go in St. Petersburg with the Finnish armed forces alone? I don’t wish to negate the great efforts that Ukrainians have been making for their territories for an age, but I ask Russians to wake up. You had plenty of chance to make positive impact on Ukraine as an ally, but the majority have seen joining Europe and west as better for their future. Flattening their eastern cities only has hardened that resolve.

  13. I was listening to someone who trains fighter pilots and he thinks it’s a much more complex issue to adapt pilots to F-16, how he described it was taking IndyCar driver and sticking them in an F1 car, yes they look kinda similar and they are both very fast, but some top IndyCar drivers have struggled to get an F1 car around the track, the technology is so different and many of your fixes and tricks to get the best from one just crashes the other, they spent so much time trying to get the pilots to unlearn habits from a much less complex aircraft and to do it right, the best success they have had is with the younger new pilots who haven’t trained with Russian aircraft, they are learning the controls tactics and combined forces techniques in a fraction of the time of the older pilots

  14. Heavens! How does Putin not hear the booming of these well lubricated British Word Howitzers – and capitulate! How can he persist in the face of such a withering barrage of solicited professional opinion! Has he really no idea the combined power of imposed consensus imposes? I pity any force not prepared to argue at length with such unflagging verbosity!

  15. Every day I see a Times Radio title that makes me think “yes. good news for Ukraine” and yet daily I’m disappointed that the actual story is much less positive than the title. I’ve got to be honest, it feels like click bait and doesn’t serve the brand IMO. One day I hope to see a Times Radio title like these and not read elsewhere that Russia just took more territory and is still out producing Ukrainian allies 3 to 1 in artillery shells etc.

    Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦

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