He really cares about us!

How is this race even close? Trump is the most flawed candidate in history.

Posted by VomitingPotato

  1. I am stupified by the fact that any other person on that level (POTUS, past POTUS or candidate) at any other time in our history would ever be taken seriously like this man has.

    He has media schills, donor schills, religious nuts and anyone else in the daft 50% of the population that buys what this asshat is selling.

    So far, we had Andrew Johnson that was about as stupid as it got, but Trump trumps that.

    The man is _shown on tape_ admitting that he grabs pussies and he’s _still_ standing.

  2. How dare ye. Pussies are warm, caring and pulsating with life.

    This weird old turd is more like the…opposite of that. Sorry, thought I had something.

  3. Who supports such a flawed candidate? A flawed populace. The US is beyond end times Rome right now.

  4. He’s insulted pretty much every facet of America, but has he ever said anything bad about Putin?

  5. That four out of scores of possible examples. Just about everything he has ever done is objectionalble. He will go down in history, not just as our worst president, but as a terrible human being.

  6. Since he has said that the stock market is up due to people knowing he will be elected President, I guess this now means they know he will not be elect President.

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