Polls are showing an undeniable shift toward Kamala Harris

Polls are showing an undeniable shift toward Kamala Harris


Posted by Son0fSanf0rd

  1. ***In the seven swing states that will likely determine the election, Harris has virtually erased Trump’s lead***


    sit back and wait for the exploding MAGA heads 🤯

    the name calling

    the racism

    the misogyny.

    I’ll just be here sipping on a coconut mint julip🧉

  2. It certainly feels authentic, people around me are getting excited like I haven’t seen in 12 years since Obama and I am seeing fewer and fewer obvious Trump displays/flags/signs around. It does have all the real world signs that this isn’t just manufactured hype. The polls are just starting to tip, what real world examples are people seeing that makes them think this is really shifting fast?

  3. I’d say the silent middle America – people who don’t pay attention to politics – simply want quiet and normal. Joe didn’t have energy to engage, and Trump can’t shut the hell up. Harris is boring enough and has prima facie credibility based on her resume for people to view her as a safe harbor.

  4. Nikki Haley did say whichever party ditched its 80 year old frontrunner would win the election. Looks like she’s about to be right.

  5. Trump has all the weaknesses of an incumbent with none of the strengths…people are tired of his act. Kamala hasn’t even had her convention yet. Unless the VP pick is a total dud…she’s going to have close to a month of positive vibes and that will build momentum.

  6. It’s gonna be really funny when she loses. Not because I want Trump to win, I don’t, but you gotta admit when Hillary lost it was pretty funny.

  7. I’m so excited to have our first woman president be the one to beat the old bag that cheats on his wife and rapes women.

  8. Step 1 is to win the election – which she will do. Step 2 is to actually take power. Trump and his goons on election boards and on the supreme court will do everything they can to prevent that.

  9. Vote vote. Ignore polls. I know we most likely won’t get a landslide win against trump, but we gotta make the margin as big as possible!

  10. It’s hilarious that most people in support of Harris are sensible and say “go vote don’t trust polls”


    But what can you do, weirdos are gonna be weirdos

  11. None of this matters if you don’t vote.

    Make sure your voter registration hasn’t been purged. Check it now. Especially if you live in a red or swing state.

    Some states require that you are registered 30 days before an election. Imagine showing up to vote and being told you’re not registered.

  12. She could be a potato. I would rather have any other person besides Trump. They’re both opportunistic and only care about power. She called Biden a racist, never made it anywhere in the last primaries, but agreed to be the VP so Biden would hand her the throne.

  13. I still remember when virtually every poll under the sun unanimously declared Hillary would win by a landslide any day of the week against him. Fuck polls. Go vote.

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