Nick Offerman sings “Proud to be a Kamala Man”

Nick Offerman sings “Proud to be a Kamala Man”

Posted by 7dayweekendgirl

  1. Did he actually sing this, or was it just made up as a meme?

    I mean, I could totally see him doing it, just wondering if he really did or not…?

  2. Wait… Nick Offerman was/is a conservative? Or is he singing the song for conservatives?

  3. Nick’s never been a republican. He was a very outspoken liberal and it was why conservatives thought that he “betrayed” them because of his role in Parks and Rec.

    ~~Maybe he added those lyrics as a way for people who were Republicans and are now understanding what’s happening and have their “own” song.~~

    Edit: Yes, that was the reason he made that lyric

    >He then turned his attention to “Kamala curious” Republicans tuning in, and said he had written a song “from the point of view of one of these Republicans that might have once been blind, but now can see a way clear to decency.”

  4. I love Nick so much. Go enjoy his book *Paddle Your Own Canoe* (especially the audiobook, read in his own dulcet tones). He’s so interesting and funny!

  5. I went to a Boy Scouts of America “National Jamboree” in the late 80s. Lee Greenwood came out and sang Proud to Be An American, and the crowd of thousands of Scouts sang along.

    Gave me chills, because I understood what it was like to be at a Nazi rally.

  6. This song is very, very clever and funny. Icing on the cake is that it’s set to Lee Greenwood. The entire zoom call was a delight.

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