MAGAT accidentally writes raving review for Tim Walz

MAGAT accidentally writes raving review for Tim Walz

Posted by Oxbix

  1. Is that the worst they have? A dui charge from..30 years ago? Have any of the other candidates committed ANY crimes at all during that period?

    *agent whispers in my ear*

    “Really? They did?”

    *agent whispers again*

    “Wow thats a lot of crimes”

  2. Oh, so now dui’s are an issue with republicans??? Because they seem perfectly fine with Matt gaetz NUMEROUS dui’s

  3. These morons can’t even tell the truth about the worst they have on Walz…. 1995 is not “late 90s” and he was not convicted of a DUI — reportedly plead to driving infraction.

  4. They probably had these loaded and ready to go for all the potential VP candidates.

  5. I’ll take a single DUI 30 years ago over 34 felonies committed while running for president any time…

  6. They’re freaking tf out. They have nothing of actual substance on him or Kamala.

  7. I’m from Minnesota and have traveled constantly for the last decade. Minnesota is one of the best states in the union for everything from infrastructure to social policies to rational, inclusive governance. Tim Walz has been a huge part of that.

    The MAGA idiot from the OP doesn’t have a clue.

  8. I forgot Minneapolis burned down. And Portland and Seattle

    I guess everyone living in those cities forgot that too because they’re just living their lives normally

  9. “Just do your damn work.” I like that slogan.

    Edited because I’m typing deficient.

  10. And yet he’ll go skipping down to the polls to vote for Traitor Trump and his 34 felonies.

  11. So the dude has a DUI, but they are somehow ok with an orange dude with 34 criminal records who is a rapist.. yeah… ok.

  12. I love how obsessed with Harris and Walz lives’ in the 90’s and somehow that reflects who they are today, when Trump was hanging with Epstein in the 90s.

  13. “Walz crime family” and “Tim Walz laptop” coming soon to theaters near you!

  14. Meanwhile, Minnesota is considered one of the “happiest” places to live under his leadership:

    And he used to be endorsed by the NRA/ is not anti-gun. After Parkland, he decided we needed more restrictions for safety in gun ownership:

    Hes in favor of responsible, safe gun ownership, not exactly an “anti-gun nut” as he’s being painted.

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