“and make no mistake, violent crime was up under Donald Trump….that’s not even counting the crimes he committed.”-Tim Walz

“and make no mistake, violent crime was up under Donald Trump….that’s not even counting the crimes he committed.”-Tim Walz

Posted by imagoodpersonhaha

  1. I’m liking this guy already. It’s time we had a Democrat that can properly dispense the truth.

  2. Chaz, George floyd riots,a riot in front of the Whitehouse that burned down a church, but yeah, that pesky Maga violence. 

  3. Yeah, enough of this “when they go low, we go high” stuff.

    It’s time we put criminals in their place.

  4. The contrast between this ticket and the other guys is striking.

    The other is all hate and fear and privilege. This pair are all about joy and hope and middle-American values, and for calling out the weirdness when they see it. I can’t express how important that is. When you see someone acting like an asshole, don’t let it go by unremarked, or dismiss it as merely a clown show. Tell them that sort of public behavior is unacceptable and un-American.

    I have high hopes.

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