Men’s 400M Final

Posted by KIRYUx

  1. I thought he was fading 200m in, he did some really gutsy running and found something deep

  2. Dude is all flailing arms and legs for the entire final 100 and somehow he came through the entire field to take gold. Beast.

  3. How many times have GB been beaten at the last hundredths of a second or by marginal points for silver now. We could’ve had so many more golds, silver is still amazing but gets frustrating when it happens over and over again

  4. 3rd fastest American time behind Michael Johnson’s 99 Barcelona run and Butch Reynolds. Take a bow Hall

  5. Winning ugly is still winning. I noticed him earlier looking like he was just gassed but he found something.

  6. Couldn’t believe it! Looked like he was falling back and slowing down, face full of agony and yet he did it!

  7. how did hall manage not to fall it looked like his torso was 5 feet ahead of his legs

  8. That must be so intimidating for the leaders. You’re running at what feels like the fastest that the human body can possibly go. Your form is perfect. And then this guy who looks like he’s being chased by bees just blows right by you.

  9. This was the most impressive effort I’ve seen in a race so far in these Olympics.

  10. That was some of the ugliest running I have seen but the dude willed his way to gold. Impressive performance!

  11. Quincy Hall turned up the heat in the final 50m. Dug deep and found what he needed.

  12. The American super soldier program must be coming along nicely with all these US racers coming in clutch at the end.

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